Sunday, January 19, 2020

Have to clear google services framework on android ice cream sandwich

I recently had issue to sync with google as the following are affected:

  1. gmail app says no internet connection

  2. play store says no internet connection

  3. tablet is set to EPOCH (Jan 01, 1970, 00:00)

  4. I can surf the internet but I get tons of certificate warning whatever the website I am surfing.

I am using an android tablet (android 4.0 ice cream sandwich), wifi only. Looking around I found that I should clear data from google services framework and restart my tablet (see this post for example).

It works great, but the error keep coming back and I'm looking for a permanent fix. Should I wipe the tablet?

Thanks in advance for your help!

---- After test update -----

Thanks all for your comments and help (and sorry for my long silence). Here is the steps I've done:

  1. Delete and re-install accounts, Results: Error connecting server (tried with 2 different account)

  2. Done Factory Reset > No more issue to add account

  3. Install Gmail app (it took 3 or 4 trials where I reboot tablet before success). There every was fine.

  4. Restart tablet for testing: same issue as before :(

I guess either I never switch off my tablet or I return it

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