Friday, June 30, 2017

How to get back colored app headers in recent apps list on Samsung devices running on Android Oreo?

Before, in recent apps list of my phone (Samsung Galaxy Note8), headers of apps were colored. Now, they are all white.

I am not sure whether it was caused by the transition from Nougat (7.1) to Oreo (8.0) or by a change in some Android settings. They are white for several months.

I would like to return to colored ones for faster navigation using app colors. Is it possible?


It looks to me that this is not possible, because Oreo re-used the color coding for different purpose:

  • white header: standard app

    • and here, the original coloring concept is partially present in text color (instead of bg color)

  • light cyan header: app pair on split screen

enter image description here

I think that this new coloring purpose implies that the original coloring is gone.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Enabling MTP in HTC Desire S

My use case scenario is following: push some data from pc to smartphone and have an app there that detects and read that data. I know that there is MTP protocol that allows both pc and mobile device to access storage simultaneously. In that case I could just drop some files on mobile's sd card and have File Observer set to detect changes in file system and then subsequently read that data.

The problem is enabling MTP on HTC Desire S. I read that HTC Android 4.1+ versions support this protocol. I tried newest official ROM for the phone (4.0.4) but there was only Usb Mass Storage option when connecting to pc. Now I am on Jelly Fire Bean, 4.2.2 and still I can find no trace of MTP support. Might it be that this is a hardware limitation of the phone or have I not tried the correct ROM yet?

Alternatively, is there any other way to fullfil my use case scenario? The constraint is that communication must go through the (USB?)cable.

htc desire - In google contacts where is the contact for me?

I'm not sure if it matters but my phone has 'HTC sense'.

I have all my contacts sync'd with my google account.

I have a normal contact called "me" in my google contacts that through various merging has accumulated all my contact details.

However on the phone that shows up as a normal contact called "me" rather than going into the special "my contact card" thing.

I would like to fix this, but preferably without having to copy all the stuff over manually.

Why does it seem like I have less RAM than advertised?

Why is that on my Galaxy Note 3 (3gb RAM) I only have .91 GB free, 1.5 GB used while doing nothing, meaning only 2.41 GB total. Is that because the rest (~.6 GB) of my memory is used for the OS? And the reason I only have .91 GB free when doing nothing isn't because 1.5 GB is cached because I cleared my cache and the number did not change.

Why does it seem like ~0.6 GB of RAM is missing?

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Is there an alarm clock event log?

Occasionally I wake up and find out that I've missed an alarm. I'm considering using a different program that is more likely to wake me, for example Math Alarm Clock. However before torturing myself with mathematical problems every morning I would first like to find out why I missed the alarm to see if there is an easier solution to the problem.

  • Did I try to hit the snooze button but accidentally turned it off?

  • Did I not hear it even though it rang 5 times?

  • Did I set it for the wrong time and it didn't ring at all?

  • etc...

In order to help investigate what the problem was I'd like to see a list of alarm related events. Is there any log where I can see all (or recent) alarm clock events, including changing alarms, alarms ringing and being turned off?

I use the currently use the default alarm clock on the HTC Desire, but if the logging feature is only available in another alarm clock application I would consider switching.

Losing network connections when using GPS

I'm having the same kind of problem as described in these threads, using a rooted HTC One S with Dark Jelly S rom:

Thread on XDA-Developers
Thead on CyanogenMod Forum

When activating GPS while using either WiFi or 3G, after a couple of seconds I'm losing GPS fix and mobile data connection. WiFi stays active. I also get a notifaction "Restricted access changed".

I only have 1 APN in my settings, this happens on both the CM10 rom and Dark Jelly S rom.

Further information:


Apr 2 2012,21:08:24

How can I solve this?

notifications - Is there a way to customize vibrate patterns?

Like many people my phone is most of the time in silent/vibrate mode. I was wondering if there's a way to assign different vibration patterns for different notifications, just like we do for ringtones and alerts with sounds. Maybe there's an app that allows us to do that? I couldn't find anything yet.

rooting - I rooted my phone. Now apps cannot connect to the internet but browsers work fine

I have a Samsung Galaxy Y and rooted it a few days ago. After that I set up a few apps and granted them access to root permissions (via the Superuser app). I allowed root to all apps that requested it.

Now I cannot connect to the internet via any app except browser apps - Gmail cannot receive emails, and Google Play is not loading.

I tried a factory reset and unrooted the phone, but it is still not working.

How can I fix this issue?

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Samsung Galaxy devices issue: Server error occurred. Restart Camera

When using the stock camera app on a Samsung Galaxy S6 phone, I sometimes get the error "Server error occurred. Restart Camera."

It's then necessary to close the camera app and restart it. It's a hassle that often results in missing photographic shots. Plus, the last photo taken is not saved.

I have tried clearing the data and cache for the camera app. I have also updated the stock ROM to the latest Nougat version available. I have performed a factory reset. Finally, I have sent in the phone THREE TIMES to Samsung for repairs. None of these actions has resulted in a solution.


  • What is causing this?

  • What server is the error referring to?

  • What is the solution to prevent this error?

Help pairing bluetooth headset/microphone with Samsung Galaxy Tab & Skype?

I have had some difficulty getting a bluetooth headset/microphone to work with the Samsung Galaxy Tab, and with Skype.

First, the bluetooth scanner can only find some headsets, not all of them. I tried to get a Motorola H350 headset to work, but it failed. Then I tried a Sprint Jawbone headset and it synced, but in Skype the microphone in it didn't work and it was using the microphone on the Galaxy Tab instead. I mean, I walked away from my tab and said "testing 1, 2, 3", and couldn't hear it. Instead, I heard someone near my tab saying, "testing a, b, c".

Second, I don't know if it's just a Skype issue or the Galaxy Tab hardware that's preventing Skype from picking up my voice over the paired bluetooth headset. Or perhaps it's the headset. Or perhaps I must use only a Samsung-brand headset.

In a nutshell, I want to use Skype calling on my Galaxy tab, and purchase a headset that lets me use the microphone in the headset.

Has anyone gotten this to work? What's the trick?

EDIT: I have since purchased these wireless headphones which also include a built-in mic. These sync'd up for audio output, but in Skype I could not get audio input. So, I then temporarily rooted my device (thank you z4 root tool) and edited /system/etc/bluetooth/audio.conf to enable some settings that Verizon Wireless and/or Samsung disables in the unit. I then reset the unit and did the headset repairing again. In the end, Skype would not do audio input from the headset. But I noticed this, however. The microphone on the Galaxy Tab is outstanding. It collects the audio input in such a way that drowns out background sound. So, in a sense, you can still use the headset with the tab and walk around in your cubicle, or even talk on a crowded bus, and for the most part it will clearly pick up your voice. It's a nice compromise since headsets with mics don't seem to work with the Galaxy Tab. This might be a symptom of Skype. Their tech support says they don't support audio routing through the headset. However, I noticed that headset audio on the Galaxy Tab also doesn't work with every other app I've tried as well.


I also have the proble second problem, and I found the skype staff said :Skype doesnt currently support routing the audio to a bluetooth device. Maybe this is the reason...

Monday, June 26, 2017

adb - How to stop apps from doubling overscan?

For some reason a chunk of the digitizer broke on the bottom of my phone. I tried to use adb shell wm overscan 0,54,0,324 to resize my screen smaller until I can get a new phone, but it's giving bad results.

It seems like the overscan is working normally at first, but then some of my apps, including Google's launcher, Nova Launcher, Gmail(except when composing), and the Play Store, are then shrinking in addition to the whole screen shrinking, leading everything to be half the size I want. I could just set the overscan to half of what I want, except that many apps and the keyboard do not do this, meaning I couldn't really type then.

Example of Nova LauncherExample of Google Play Store

Any ideas on what could be causing this or how to fix it?

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Download MAPS.ME (MapsWithMe) offline map from PC?

I have an Android device that has no internet connection. I managed to install MAPS.ME (MapsWithMe) on this device.

Where can I download good (detailed) offline maps to use with this app? I am interested in a complete map of Cuba. Importantly, I must download the map from a PC, and then copy this file to the device, since the device has no internet connection. How can I do this?


This is the direct link to download the map data:

Saturday, June 24, 2017

storage - Is it possible to backup apk from an installed application?

I got some huge games which I don't play regularly but don't want to delete either. Is it possible to backup those apps as apk so that I can install them offline later? I'm not talking about backing up only the app data, many tools exist for that purpose. I want the ability to install the app again offline at a later time. Also, this is not necessarily an app suggestion request, any method to achieve this is OK with me.


A very easy way is ES File Explorer from Google Play Store. You can browse to your

  • /system/app folder (for system apps)

  • /data/app folder (for user apps; requires root to be accessed)

and copy them to your /sdcard (or anywhere else).

Copying multiple files with ES File Explorer is very easy. Just long hold one of the files, then put check marks on all the files you want to copy. Then browse to the folder (on your sdcard) where you want to place them.

Connecting to your computer via your usb cable will allow you to backup your sdcard content to your computer.

Update (Accessing the protected data/apps area):

I notice the /data/ directory is not readable. You can pull any of the content if you know it by name. I'll describe a (cli) solution to get the names and the files. However, the backup tools suggested by Izzy are the easiest way to go.

This is a step by step method to get the list of packages and pull the packages using the commandline:

  1. Download and Install the Android SDK package (or see Is there a minimal installation of ADB? for a solution requiring much less space, if you're not intending to develop Android apps). While you'll have access to just about everything in the world (Android), don't be too overwhimed... just focus on an immediate objective, and all the other features can be for a different day.

  2. Add a path to these two directories of the package install ([installedpath]/tools and [installedpath]/platform-tools for a full SDK installation).

  3. Now, with the Android plugged in via the usb, run this to get the full list of installed apps:
    $ adb shell 'pm list packages'
    You now have a list the names of all your install apps.

  4. Use the -f parameter to get the full pathname of a desired package by specifying a search string found in the previous list:
    $ adb shell 'pm list packages -f reader'

  5. Now pull the full pathname of the package you want to get with:

    ## adb pull [filepathname] [destination path] ##
    $ adb pull /data/app/com.ebooks.ebookreader-2.apk ~/mybackupdir

The steps might appear to be complicated, but they are easier done than said. Once you perform it a few times, you'll find it very easy to pull any app from your device. You can also write a script to do this as your own personal backup utility.

While there are gui alternatives as mentioned in the alternate answer, I strongly recommend looking at the features of the adb commands which includes full backups... the option for users to select precisely what they want backed up and where.

Installing the full Android SDK will give fuller access to components of your android device (from the commandline).

Look at the commands:

$ adb -help

Look at the backup section (of the help screen):

adb backup [-f ] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] []

- write an archive of the device's data to .
If no -f option is supplied then the data is written

to "backup.ab" in the current directory.

(-apk|-noapk enable/disable backup of the .apks themselves
in the archive; the default is noapk.)

(-obb|-noobb enable/disable backup of any installed apk expansion
(aka .obb) files associated with each application; the default
is noobb.)

(-shared|-noshared enable/disable backup of the device's

shared storage / SD card contents; the default is noshared.)

(-all means to back up all installed applications)

(-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes
system applications; the default is to include system apps)

( is the list of applications to be backed up. If
the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the package
list is optional. Applications explicitly given on the

command line will be included even if -nosystem would
ordinarily cause them to be omitted.)

You can use the Android Backup Extractor to explore the compressed backup file created by the adb utility.

Restoring the backup to the android is a simple "-restore" command:

$ adb restore 

The Android Backup Extractor provides a way to explore the backup and pick out individual files (such as the apk's as in the OP's objective) to store or preserve.

The explorer package includes a variety of multi-platform tools, such as Java, perl, and cygwin.

You can extract the backup with (using the java extract opton):

## this line converts the android backup into a tar file ##
$ java -jar abe.jar unpack backup.ab backup.tar

Out side of my initial cli answer, the most precise GUI app to accomplish the OP's specific question is AirDroid. It's free, extremely user friendly and intuitive to use.

To use, run the app. It gives a local IP address for typing into a web browser. The link will give you a UI that resembles and Android home screen. Click on the "Apps" icon and select one or more apps to download. You can install or reinstall the Apps using the same interface.

There are several other GUI alternatives (graphical user interfaces) available, e.g. QtADB (multi-platform) or, for Windows users, also the excellent Droid Explorer by our member Ryan Conrad (see e.g. Full Backup of non-rooted devices; for more, also see our adb tag-wiki).

wi fi - Galaxy S6 and S7 not auto-connecting to WiFi

I've had a problem with my phones (Galaxy S6 and S7) not auto-connecting to WiFi. When I open up the WiFi settings it will connect.

Is there any way I can determine if an app is disrupting the ability to auto-connect?

I think it is not the phone because I just got a new S7.

I think it is not the router because this happens with multiple routers.

Thanks very much for your help.

Edit: This is close to being a duplicate of
AT&T Samsung Galaxy S6 will not connect to WiFi automatically and

Galaxy S6 no longer automatically connects to my home WIFI

Edit 2: I have uninstalled a bunch of apps on my S6 and it now auto-connects without issue!

Edit 3: I have uninstalled a bunch of apps on my S7 and it now auto-connects without issue!!


This appears to be a problem with app interference. I have uninstalled a bunch of apps on my phones and they now auto-connect without issue.

I wish I knew which app or apps was the culprit. As I install back some apps that I need maybe I will find out. If I do I will update this answer.

settings - “Screen overlay detected” dialog? Turned off everything, doesn't work

I started receiving the “Screen overlay detected” dialog when trying to change apps settings.

Tried to turn off all "draw over other apps" as it says here - "Screen overlay detected" dialog?, first without system and then with, but it still doesn't work.

Then, I restored apps to original settings and it just made a bigger mess, dialog continue appearing. Any way to go back to previous settings???


Friday, June 23, 2017

How can I prevent my Desire HDs battery from draining overnight?

I've recently got the new HTC Desire HD, which has a poor battery to start with (1230 mAh), but in the last two weeks I've had several nights waking up with a dead battery.

The first few nights, I suspect that wifi was still running and by default the radio didn't go to sleep when it's idle (changed that). I reduced syncing frequencies for most services to once a day, so that can hardly be the problem. When looking at the battery usage reports, it's mostly the huge screen draining the battery, but that's turned off at night. Last night I turned off any data connection and went to bed with 90% battery and woke up with a dead one.

So what on earth is crashing my battery so quickly? Does anyone have any suggestions other than the no-brainers mentioned here.


I ended up trying several things mentioned in the XDA-developer thread:

  • Changing the Networkmode from GSM / WCDMA Automatic to either GSM or WCDMA, XDA-users claimed that switching between these two modes is a huge battery drainer. In my experience this was the most important one.

  • Installing a widget, so I could check whether Bluetooth and GPS were really turned off. Especially GPS could run in the background, after using Google Navigation, without displaying the icon.

  • Turn off syncing for apps you don't really use or rate limit updates to a larger interval. You can always update manually and getting new contact info once a day is more than enough!

  • Remove widgets that need regular updates, even though the sync setting should have control this.

  • As I'm using a HTC Sense phone, I turned off all their proprietary apps, I simply don't trust the power usage of things like Footprints.

If you apply all these settings, you should manage to get a full days worth out of your battery, unless you play too much Angry Birds.

rooting - How to root Lenovo a660

I've tried rooting my phone by using SuperOneClick and RootWithRestore.

And did not have much success either. So my question is how to do this? (I checked that in /system/bin that I do not have the su binary in place!)

Thursday, June 22, 2017

adoptable storage - SD card not appearing when formatted as internal

I'm a user of the Realme C2(android P). I've just formatted my SD card as the internal storage through Powershell since my manufacturer doesn't allow me to do it in the settings. It don't think it worked as now i do not see the SD card in the storage section. It seems to have completely disappeared.These are the commands that I used from this link:

adb shell sm list-disk
adb shell sm list-volumes all
adb shell sm set-force-adoptable true

adb shell sm partition disk:179,64 private
adb shell sm set-force-adoptable false
adb shell sm list-volumes all

I really have no idea if they even worked as I was told that the 4th command would take some time but, it didn't. I'll be more than happy to post screenshots or anything that is required for you to understand the problem. So if there is anything you can do to help me, please do so. This is my last resort.


This is what happened in the Powershell window:

PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb devices
List of devices attached
EUS4***ZPBTWAM79 device

PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb shell sm list-disks
PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb shell sm list-volumes all
private mounted null
public:1*9:1*0 mounted 01*7-1*13
emulated mounted null

PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb shell sm set-force-adoptable true
PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb shell sm partition disk:1*9,1*8 private
PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb shell sm partition disk:1*9:1*8 private

PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb shell sm set-force-adoptable false
PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools> .\adb shell sm list-volumes all
emulated:1*9,1*0 unmounted null
private:1*9,1*0 mounted c5ee2ab2-9**7-468e-8**6-c700ba9**283
private mounted null
emulated mounted null
PS C:\Users\Sa**vik\Downloads\platform-tools>

I'd put in * to keep it anonymous

I'm giving up for now. We'll see what happens in the future

wi fi - How can I automatically re-connect to a WiFi network?

In this question I am asking about how to stop my WiFi from disconnecting.

If I won't find an answer to that, the next best thing is to get my phone to re-connect automatically. The disconnect reason is: "Class 3 frame received from nonassociated STA"

I am on a rooted device running cyanogen mod on Android 5.

I'm using AFWall+ and OpenVPN, if that is relevant. OpenVPN is set to re-connect automatically already, which works.

Due to AFWall+ blocking non-vpn traffic, whenever I connect to WiFi it says "There is no Internet connectivity, do you still want to connect? [Yes/No]", ticking the "Don't ask again" box has no effect.
This might be relevant and if the phone does automatically reconnect, I obviously don't want this pop-up to prevent an automated re-connect.


Your issue is caused by Captive Portal¹ Check kicking in and not permitted through by AFWall+. So if you can live without that auto-detection, you could simply disable it:

# check what the original setting is. Should give "1" for enabled, "0" for disabled

settings get global captive_portal_detection_enabled
# now let's disable it
settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 0
# if you want to re-activate it
settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 1


  • no more pop-ups when connecting to e.g. a hotel network using Captive Portal. Easy work-around: just open a web browser and navigate to any url, the portal should "capture" you for login

  • no more x on the WiFi symbol – so you might miss the fact of not reaching any network until you try manually (e.g. by visiting some web page and ending up on the Captive Portal's login page)

  • automatic re-connect to "known WiFis" should simply work.

I've used that trick myself when having set up AFWall+ in a quite restricting mode, and it worked for me. As you (OP) just confirmed in a comment on the question, it did the trick for you as well – despite the additional complication of a VPN.

See Captive Portal parameters for more details on manipulation.

¹ for those who don't know what a "Captive Portal" is, please see Wikipedia

2.2 froyo - What does Android 2.2.1 bring?

Compared to 2.2, what does 2.2.1 bring that's new please?

Thank you.


I'm not aware of an official changelog anywhere, but you can look at the commit log on the git repository here. Anything between the 2.2_r1.3 tag and the 2.2.1_r1 tag was a change added in 2.2.1.

The summary: it's basically just bugfixes, hence why it's a smaller increment (as opposed to 2.2->2.3, for example).

Note: If you're getting a 2.2.1 update from a carrier then they may have added other changes to their own software, so the above applies to the Android OS itself and not any additional components.

rooting - How to root the LG Optimus 4X (LG-P880)?

I just got a brand new LG Optimus 4X. Feeling naked without the privacy protection offered by apps like LBE Privacy Guard, and missing good backup solutions like Titanium Backup (and no, Carbon Backup cannot really compete here), I want the device rooted.

How can that be achieved?


In fact, I never had an Android device where this was that easy to achive! Our friends at XDA-Developers offer a guide and the necessary tools in this thread. Having a "Microsoft free zone" and "only" running Linux machines (yeah, even the Android ones run a Linux kernel), I was able to follow up those steps with a little adaption here and there -- and so I will sum up the results for Windows and Linux users as well:


First you need to download the required tools, all of them available at the linked XDA-Developers thread:

Having everything downloaded, some additional steps are necessary at your computer:

  • Windows users only: Unzip and install the drivers

  • Linux users: Make sure adb is able to detect the device (check with adb devices). If it's not, see at the end of this answer for some hints.

  • Everybody: Copy IS11LG_SystemBackupTest.signed.apk to your Optimus (e.g. after connecting it via USB in MTP mode, copy the file to the internal SDCard)

  • Everybody: Create a new directory, unzip there, and change into this directory.

The rooting process

  1. On your Optimus, go to Settings→Security and make sure "Unknown Sources" is TICKED (i.e. contains a checkmark)

  2. Go to Settings→Developer Options and enable "USB Debugging"

  3. Now install IS11LG_SystemBackupTest.signed.apk (e.g. use a file explorer to find and "launch" it)

  4. Open the "SystemBackupTest" app you just installed. Nothing spectacular will happen, so don't be disappointed here.

  5. Hold the power button and choose "Power off and restart".
    When you can see the lock screen, you may notice that the phone is running very slowly, this is normal.

  6. Once the device is fully started up again, connect it to your computer with an USB cable. Make sure the phone is in "Charging Only" mode.

  7. On your PC, open a terminal (Linux) resp. command (cmd.exe, Windows) window and change into the directory you've` into.
    (on Windows, you may need admin privileges: right click, run as administrator. On Linux it did fine for me without superuser/root permissions)

  8. Now run the rooting script:

    • Windows users: type root followed by the enter key

    • Linux users: type ./, also followed by the enter key

    • Any Mac users? Type ./, also followed by the enter key. Don't worry, it won't root your Mac/Linux machine (Windows users: it is unlikely to root your box, either :)

  9. DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE WHILE THE SCRIPT RUNS! Wait while it does its job. During that process, the phone will reboot automatically a couple of times. The script will inform you about this in your command/terminal window. Once the command/shell prompt returns, the misdeed is accomplished :)

  10. Now uninstall SystemBackupTest from your Optimus. Do not launch it again at this state, or you might have to start over from step 5 :)

  11. On your phone, open up Google Play Store and search for "SuperSU". Update the app when prompted, then open it. Press OK to update the SU binary.

You now have root and can safely restore the "Unknown Sources" and "USB debugging" settings back to how you had them! Congratulations! Next steps are to install Titanium Backup, LBE Privacy Guard, and all the other things you might need and which require root!

Hint for Linux users to get adb recognize your Android device

These steps should work with all Android phones. The example data of course should exactly fit the LG Optimus P880 this question deals with.

  1. open a terminal window, and make yourself root (sudo su -)

  2. enter the following command: lsusb. Note the output in your mind.

  3. connect your device with USB Debugging enabled using an USB cable.

  4. again issue the lsusb command. Now it should output an additional line which has to be the just connected Android device. For the LG Optimus P880, this should read like:
    Bus 002 Device 103: ID 1004:61a6 LG Electronics, Inc.
    1004 is the vendor ID for LG, 61a6 the device ID of the P880 in USB Debugging mode.

  5. use your favorite editor (still in root mode!) and open /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules (if no such file exists, simply create it). Add the below lines (first line is optional), and then save the file.

  6. restart the UDEV daemon: service udev restart

Now you just need to disconnect your device. When reconnecting it for the next time, adb will see it -- as you can confirm with the adb devices command. So here are the lines for your /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file:

#LG Optimus X4 P880
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1004", ATTRS{idProduct}=="61a6", MODE="0666" GROUP="androiddev", SYMLINK+="android%n"

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

audio - How to mute notification sounds during a call on Samsung Galaxy 6 Edge?

While on a call, if I receive a text message, the notification sound for text message plays during the call. How do I mute the notification sounds for text messages while I'm on a phone call? My device is Samsung Galaxy 6 Edge.

sensors - How does in-pocket detection work?

My Droid Bionic has an option on the Display Settings page "In-Pocket detection: locks your device automatically when inserted in pocket"

How does the phone sense that it's in your pocket? I'm speculating maybe a combination of proximity and light sensors?

rooting - has anyone rooted micromax a65 bolt?

i have micromax a65 android version 2.3.5 baseband version DM_BASE_12A_W12.43|sc6820_modem| kernel version

i tried rooting with z4root but it didn't work.

streaming - Is it possible to use one android as a remote speaker for all audio on another android, using no more hardware than an unmodified wifi access point?

I have an android phone (Sony Xperia Compact Z1 / Stock) with an "eh" speaker, and a tablet (Kindle Fire 7" HD / Cyanogen) with amazing speakers. I use the phone a lot to listen to audiobooks, but at home i'd like to be able to use the tablet so i can hear the audiobooks over other noises.

I currently use Smart Audiobook Player since it seems to be the best audiobook software on the market, but it cannot synch progress between different devices, or stream audio between them on its own.

So i would like to stream all audio that is currently playing on my phone, over to my tablet and have it play via the tablet's speakers.

I suppose this should be feasible via Bluetooth or Wifi, but:

  • No Bluetooth solutions seemed to work, none of them even indicated being able to connect between the two devices.

  • No Wifi solutions seem to exist that can work with only the two android devices and the unmodified Wifi AP.

Did i overlook some piece of software that can do this?

applications - How can I mirror my samsung phone screen on my Tv

I have a upnp enable TV on which ImediaShare seems to work fine. But does anyone know how to mirror my phone screen on the TV

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

drawing - How can I draw over other apps?

I'd like to be able to use my Asus Transformer for a presentation using the HDMI out and I'd like to be able to draw on the screen over videos, pictures and over a powerpoint presentation. Obviously I can't be drawing and navigating simultaneously with touch but I guess I'm envisioning an "always on top" floating dock or tool bar to toggle between the "paint" function and the normal touch input.

To be clear I'm not interested in specific "drawing" apps, I'm looking for the ability to draw persistently over any and every open app.

Is there an app or hack that will accomplish this?

Monday, June 19, 2017

mount - How to extract stock apk from TWRP backup?

I installed TWRP recovery on my phone and backed up the system, data and boot partitions before installing CM12.1.

I would like to extract one stock apk (FM radio) from the backup on a Linux system. How do I mount the file?


I discovered that it was not necessary to mount it. It was sufficient to extract it with tar -xf archive_name but this particular app doesn't install.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

applications - How to run built-in Sound Recorder?

If you go to Settings -> Apps -> All, you'll be able to find the "Sound Recorder" built-in application in JB 4.2.2, but it's not shown on the app drawer.

Curious, how to run it?!

PS: it's not a question about choosing recording application, but about curiosity of running the built-in one

sound recorder app info


I suspect the Sound recorder could be just a component that is used by several apps, such as Google Now and Voice Search. If you take a look at the list of apps, there are also others that can't be run directly, such as MusicFX, NFC Service, Search Applications Provider etc., most of which take exactly the same amount of space, 12.00KB.

Note that this is just an assumption, I have no further proof.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Buy Android phone, install Android from source, have Nexus S -like experience?

I'm new to Android. I understand that although the Nexus S is built by Samsung that it has a stock standard Android image (whatever that means) and so it considered a "pure" Google phone. If I were to buy any Android phone and install a clean Android image from source (I assume this is possible... I heard it is fully open sourced) then do I effectively get a "pure" Google experience a la the Nexus S? Compared to the Nexus S, would I be lacking anything (software-wise)?

geolocation - What are the location based alarm applications available for Android?

I want to know what apps can sound an alarm depending on my location.

Obviously it would be better if the battery consumption is low.

I'd be happy if the application is free but wouldn't mind paying if it's working properly with not much battery consumption. Also please post (if you can) only applications that you've used.

UPDATE: Sorry guys, I should have been more clear. The alarm I am looking for is something where I can set an alarm when I am in the bus/train and make it sound the alarm and wake me up before my stop.


Llama. A laymans version of Tasker. It can do so much more but should suffice with minimal battery impact as it uses cell sites to identify rather than gps.

Are there any risks to rooting a device?

I see lots of tutorials telling me how to root my phone (Motorola Droid), but none of them mention any potential "side effects."

Aside from a few relatively minor issues that seem to require rooting to fix, I'm basically happy with the phone and therefore a little leery of messing with a device that cost me a lot of money and is only a few months old.

Assuming that I'm just talking about rooting, and none of the typical post-root actions (like installing a custom ROM), am I taking any risks by choosing to root?

  • Does it have the potential to brick the device?

  • Will it void my warranty?

  • Will I stop getting updates?

  • Will the cops show up at my front door the next day? (Yes, I'm being facetious.)

  • Anything else I should be aware of?

(See also: Are there any risks to flashing a ROM?)


Does it have the potential to brick the device?

Although it has become relatively simple on the Droid, some methods of rooting pose more risk than others. So in short yes there is a potential.

Will it void my warranty?

It depends on your manufacturer (and their warranty policies). But technically this does void your warranty in most cases.

Will I stop getting updates?

Again this depends. Some manufacturer provide updates for rooted devices while others do not. These will usually continue to come in and may unroot your phone if you install them, or even require you to unroot manually before you can receive their updates. If you install a third party ROM, then there's nothing else to do with your original manufacturer.

Will the cops show up at my front door the next day?

I certainly hope not :) but if rooting involves cracking a bootloader, it could theoretically get you in legal trouble in some jurisdictions (anti-circumvention laws, etc.)

EDIT: Also be aware that there are different root methods based on which current build you are running.

EDIT: It may (as of May 24, 2017) prevent you from installing some apps: Google Play can now prevent rooted users from downloading certain apps

How to partial sync Dropbox contents to my device?

Is it possible to sync only some folders of Dropbox?

I have 5GB+ files on Dropbox cloud, but only want a few folders to be synced to my Galaxy Tab 7.7.


Yes there's a way. It's called Foldersync. It allows you to set up folder pairs to sync and the full version even allows you to sync on changes. It also supports several other cloud services.

text to speech - AnkiDroid: Change decks tts language

In my phone, Ankidroid ask me every time what language shall be used for each card side. Which is listed as a bug.

But with other phones (eg. Samsung S2 mini) opposite problem arises. Once you select TTS language for a particular deck there is no way to change it.

I reinstalled both, TTS engine and Ankidroid, but the TTS language setting is still there.

What should I do to force ankidroid to allow me to select another TTS language?

Phone: Samsung S6500 Galaxy Mini II

Ankidroid: 2.0.1


In AnkiDroid preferences, there is a "Reset Languages" item:

Reset language assignments (for text to speech and dictionaries) for all decks. Reset specific deck assignments on deck picker

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Create shortcut to system apk that doesn't have a shortcut

So I have a MTK Android Phone, the gps of which sucks. Only App that can get a fix is ygps.apk in engineering mode. I have to keep it running background so other gps apps can get fix. Every time I want to launch this app I need to go to engineering mode, although my phone is rooted and I know where the YGPS.apk is.

Can I create a shortcut for this app so i can launch it with one click?

logging - Does access to logcat need root?

My device is already rooted, this is why I'm asking.

Do you need root to monitor the logcat stream on the phone? If I ran the logcat command from within a Terminal on the phone, would that work?

2.3 gingerbread - Root Motorola Defy XT

I am still trying figure out how to root the new Motorola Defy XT. It runs Gingerbread 2.3.5. Can someone help me with this? Last time (many years ago) I rooted a phone using Z4root however, as I read on the net now, Z4root does not support this version (of Gingerbread).

accounts - Installing official Google Marketplace on a chinese Asus Eee Pad Transformer 101

Possible Duplicate:
How can I install the Google Apps Package (Play Store, …) on my Android device?

I'm currently living in China, so I bought my Asus Eee Pad Transformer 101 here.

For some reason it does not come with the official Google Marketplace application but with some other application that only supports chinese as a UI language and uses some other "less official" market place.

I did find the Market App from google and installed it.

However when I start it it tells me

You must add an account to the device to continue. Do you want to add one now?

If I click Yes, I'm simply redirected to the home screen (the app remains open in the background)

Does anybody know of a way to set this up? Because the only thing was able to add to the device was my gmail account for e-mail.



Apparently there is no way to do it.

There are some alternative market places that can be used, but they don't solve the fact that tablets with the chinese firmware are rendered useless because there's no Google account support.

So the only thing you can do really is install this:

Works like a charm :)

Oh and for the Prime, Asus officially supports it.

4.2 jelly bean - Export list of Downloads (no root)

I was using Firefox and for some reason it deleted all downloads from the SD card.

I found an in-built app "Downloads" which has a list of all files downloaded to date, listing both Chrome and Firefox downloads.

Click Image to enlarge


How can I export a list of filenames (and their respective URLs, if possible) shown in this "Downloads" app?


The Downloads app has the name DownloadsProviderUI ( The entries shown by it are not handled by or stored inside its data directory. Instead, the app is just a front-end for DownloadsProvider (

The information you're seeking is stored inside


Provided that your OEM has not messed up with the manifest of DownloadProvider, you should be able to backup the app using .

  1. Setup adb in PC and connect the device, with USB debugging enabled, into PC.

  2. Launch a shell and execute the command

    adb backup

    Agree for the backup on the device. You should now be having a backup file named backup.ab.

  3. Follow any of the solution here to extract the content from the file. (I prefer Android Backup Extractor.)

    You should now be having a file named downloads.db, possibly under apps/ (inside the extracted content).

  4. You now have many options to open the database file. You can use GUI solutions like Sqliteman or DB Browser for SQLite. The former one can export the data into an HTML file.

    Anyhow, inside the file, the table downloads has the relevant columns, namely: uri, title and _data.

    If you've sqlite3 installed, you can do:

    sqlite3 downloads.db
    .mode line
    .headers on
    .out info.txt
    select uri,title,_data from downloads

    You should now be having a file info.txt. Open it and you would see a structure, such as:

    uri =
    title = XPrivacy
    _data = /data/data/

    uri = non-dwnldmngr-download-dont-retry2download
    title =
    _data = /storage/sdcard0/Download/

    There exists other modes for formatting. For e.g., change .mode to csv and .out to file.csv and then keep the rest of the commands intact. Execute all the commands serially and you would end up with a CSV file.

    (You can use PRAGMA table_info('downloads') or .schema downloads to know the name of all the columns inside the table downloads.)

    If required, see this article on ZetCode to know what the aforesaid SQL commands does.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

application autoupdate - How to disable Play store from updating itself?

I don't quite like the new design of the play store, and wish to stay with version 3 of it.

Is it possible (by root if needed, and I think it is needed) to disable it from auto-updating?

Will I even miss anything from the new versions ?

screen - Change android device physical resolution

I have downloaded an app that, when it starts, check the device resolution and displays a message indicating that my resolution should be at least be 800x600. I have changed my screen density using the LCD Resolution app in order to have a fake 800x600 resolution (it worked well).

Problem is that the app still disaplys the error message and displays my resolution has if it hadn't change so I guess it is based on the physical resolution of the device. Is there a way to fake the physical resolution so that I can run the app?

2.3 gingerbread - What is the status icon that looks like a house?

There is a strange icon that shows up in my status bar only when I'm at a certain restaurant. It looks like a cross between a house and wifi.

I suspect it might be a free wifi hotspot or something related to a nearby phone store, but I can't find any information about it in manual for my phone.

See the following screenshot:

status bar screenshot


This is the icon that symbolises that the Verizon Network Extender is in use - could it be possible that the restaurant you visit has had one installed/set up?


Cannot interact with Android VM - VirtualBox

I am trying to create a simple Android application to better learn about the Android platform. The first step was installing Android studio. Unfortunately, though, using Android Emulator was impossible, because my CPU has not VT-x support.

In order to overcome this, I chose the other path I had available: I installed an Android system on a virtual machine using VirtualBox. And here's where I met my last problem: After the installation, which went OK, I rebooted the system, and now I am stuck in a panel where I have to choose the language, because I cannot seem to be able to do anything using my mouse or keyboard. The first thing that came to mind, was that I needed some kind of touch input, which I don't have on my laptop... Any advice to solve this in order to be able to use Android in the VM?

Can i get .apk file of my application from a Qualcomm device?

I have deployed my apps .apk file on a Qualcomm device. Now due to my bad luck my laptop on which this app was developed got stolen.So i do not have my app code with me. However i have the device on which i had earlier installed my app.

So my question is, can i get my apps .apk file from this device? if yes, then please tell me how to get that.

Any help is appreciable.

Thanks, Gaurav

run custom ROM files on Emulator

I want to run ROM files of different phone models on Android emulator in my Windows PC. Do you know how can i do so? I know how to run standard android emulators for INTEL and ARM however i want to run production ROM files.


If you're willing to compile your own ROMs, you can definitely build them for the emulator. ROMs are device-specific, and the emulator is just like another device. If you include the drivers/setup code with the ROM, it will boot on the device.

dictionary - Android ICS spell checker does not know how to spell (English)?

English (United Kingdom) is set as the system language and regardless of whether I set the Android spell checker to use the system language or "English" it just doesn't know how to spell. Almost everything is underlined in red! Basically, the spelling dictionary (which should be built in to Android 4) appears to be empty? The same goes for French (I have not tried the other languages).

How do I correct this?

I have not seen these Android spelling dictionaries available for download anywhere. This does appear to be the same as the Android completion dictionary - which appears above the keyboard as you type; suggesting possible words. The only suggestions that show are names from my Contacts List! (I have later realised that "fox" in the example below would seem to be part of a name in my Contacts List!)

enter image description here

I mentioned in the comments below that I have installed the Hacker's keyboard. Together with this I have also installed the (Hacker's) English Completion Dictionary - this works great, but only with the Hacker's keyboard and only in portrait mode (I don't really have enough room in landscape). Could this break Android's own spell checking dictionaries?!


Go to the Play store, and install Google Keyboard.

This includes its own spell checking dictionary. Navigate to:

Settings -> Language & Input -> Spelling correction

And select "Google Spell Check". You can click the settings icon to change the language too.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

security - Certificate Install without mandatory PIN lockscreen

Google Support says:

The type of lock that's acceptable may be predetermined by your system administrator.

Where I can define what's acceptable? I can regenerate the certificate if needed.

So I can use slide lockscreen again.

(I'm using CM9 RC1, Android 4.0.4)


The problem with disabling the lockscreen security using the toggle/profile is that the lockscreen widgets don't appear either so you can't slide to unlock. Also, when you reboot your phone the buttons don't work until you retoggle the setting again.

Another way is to install the certificate as usual then backup the /data/misc/keychain and keystore directories using something that preserves the ACLs such as Root Explorer to a location that supports ACLs. I suggest copying them to /tmp. Then clear the credentials from Settings and enable Slide To Unlock. Then copy back the folders from /tmp. The CA will be installed.

2.3 gingerbread - Disappearing/deleted .pls files

I am making application that is using .pls files to read shoutcasts' adresses from them. At one moment I noticed, that sometimes .pls file I was reading data from is disappearing after I have used it.

After lots of testing, I noticed, that if I rename file to .txt, it won't get deleted.

A little more testing, a voila - sometimes, if I read data from one .pls file (pathname provided in String), ALL .pls files on sdcard get deleted! And my doing anything with any of them - they just all get deleted.

I am using HTC Desire Z, Android 2.3.3, not rooted, and I don't remember installing any applications that could be deleting files, especially without my knowledge.

Any ideas? I can provide you with the app code I am using, but I don't really think it is connected in anyway to this problem.


Now, I am not 100% that this is the exact issue, as I do know that this is the case with .m3u playlists, but I have not tried using .pls files for a playlist.

The problem sounds like it is with the Media Scanner. When it scans the directory that the .pls file is in, it sees the playlist file (the .pls) but if the directory does not have any other media files in there (like .mp3 for example) then it automatically assumes that the playlist is empty so it deletes it.

You can create a file in the directory called .nomedia and the Media Scanner will not even scan the directory, leaving your .pls files alone.

To test this, you could just drop some type of media file in the directory with the .pls and see if it is still deleted (or add the .nomedia file). If it is not deleted, then it is 100% the Media Scanner causing the files to delete. If it is still deleted, then I would check if in your application you are deleting them some how.

rooting - How can I root my HTC Legend without erasing my data?

I want to root my HTC Legend but I don't want to lose my data on it. I have seen the unrevoked method for rooting HTC devices but it does not have a version specifically for HTC Legend. Would the HTC Wildfire version work or do I need to look elsewhere?

battery life - Should I keep my Android tablets' power off or leave them on standby mode?

I have two tablets: Allwinner A10 single-core 10 inches (old one) and Allwinner A31 quad-core 9.7 inches (new one).

I notice that sometimes when not using the tablet's standby mode, the battery drain is 20 to 30 percent, there's also a little heat near the battery on the back of the tablet, and it sometimes becomes slow so I have to restart anyway. (I install lots of programs, software, browsers, readers, games, movie/music players. Recently the tablets are filled with Android applications.)

A couple of questions:

  1. Should I keep my Android tablets power off or leave them on standby mode? Which option is better?

  2. Will turning the tablet off at night when not using it increase the tablet's life?

  3. Will it increase the battery life in terms of charge/discharge cycles if the tablet is left off when not used? So it increases battery longevity for years?

  4. Will it also increase the life of the memory card and flash memory (as they are dependent on read/write cycles)? Something might be getting written to them by some background programs if the tablet is on standby?

  5. Will it also increase the MTBF (mean time between failure) and longevity of the ARM processor and other electronic chip components, etc., of the tablets?

Monday, June 12, 2017

rooting - Ways to retain nonexistent WhatsApp number

All this while, I've been using WhatsApp with an old cellphone number which is now defunct. I now plan to switch over to a new phone. This means that I'll need to freshly install WhatsApp, but the catch here is can no longer use the old number because it's going to try sending the verification code which is never going to reach. Any ideas how to go about this?

  1. I will finally need to update the new number in WhatsApp.

  2. Have to root the phone and move the titanium backup copy from the old device to the new one and gamble with it. I don't think this option is going to play out too well.


Directly from the Whatsapp FAQ:


  • The number you wish to use (the number you will change your account to) must be able to receive SMS and/or calls and have an active data connection.

On the old phone:

  • Open WhatsApp.

  • Go to Menu Button > Settings > Account > Change number.

  • Enter the number currently verified on WhatsApp in the old phone number box.

  • Enter the number you want to use in the new phone number box.

  • Complete the verification process.

  • Create a manual backup by going to WhatsApp > Menu Button > Settings > Chats > Chat backup > Backup.

On the new phone:

  • Transfer your chat history from your old to your new phone.

  • Open WhatsApp.

  • Verify the number you want to use with WhatsApp

Important Notes:

internal storage - Does the gmail app stop syncing once the "Low on space" message appears?

Based on casual observation and anecdotal evidence it appears to me that once the "Low on space" message appears in the status bar the gmail app stops syncing and stops notifying me of new emails.

Can anyone confirm whether this is the case?


Yes, if you are in fact really low on space then gmail stops syncing. You might also stop receiving SMS's and other data until you have made some space.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

google play store - How do in-app purchases work?

I'm trying the free version of an app, and I'm considering to upgrade to the Premium version. The said app is Rewire.

From what I see, the Premium version in not directly available on Play Store, and it can be purchased only in-app.

How do these purchases work? If I uninstall the app then reinstall it later, or if in the future I change my phone, this purchase will still be recognised?

Will I be able to use the full version again without having to pay once more for it?

It appears that the purchase is managed by Google Play:

enter image description here


There are two kinds of in-app purchases — managed, and unmanaged. The former have more direct involvement from Google and are transferrable between installs.

Managed purchases are generally for things like premium/pro versions and subscriptions, whereas the latter are for one-off purchases. Unmanaged ones might cover extra donations or things like virtual currency.

So as long as the developer has implemented the right kind of purchase, you should be fine. If not, and the transfer doesn't work, I would expect that an appeal to Google would result in a prompt refund.


When will my device get the Android 4.1 update (Jelly Bean)?

Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) was announced at Google I|O 2012 on June 27, 2012.

(You can review the high level changes in Android 4.1 at the official Android Developer's site.)

Of course, not all devices will get this update right away and others won't get it at all. Each manufacturer and carrier often choose to add their custom modifications which tend to delay the official release.

When will each device get Android 4.1, either officially or unofficially, if ever?

See also:


This community wiki will list all of the known and rumored dates for devices. If you have an update make sure to follow the format that's been established, and the following guidelines:

  1. Keep phones in alphabetical order listing the manufacturer and model

  2. Specify if the date is confirmed or rumored and link to the source

  3. If there is an unofficial release, link to the site where it can be downloaded

Note that devices that do not meet Google's Compatibility Definition will not receive a Google-sanctioned update. In the case of the major manufacturers and many others, that means they won't release an update at all since Google's certification is important to their business.




Nexus S


Desire C

One S

One V

One VX

One X

One XL


Optimux 4X HD (P880)

Optimus G


A110 Canvas 2



  • Released to Verizon customers March 19, 2013 (confirmed)









Epic 4G Touch

  • Official (via Samsung Kies): 2013-03-28 (confirmed)

Galaxy Ace 2

Galaxy Nexus

  • HSPA+

    • yakju, takju

    • yakjuxw, yakjukr etc...

      • Official: Unknown

      • Unofficial: 30-June-2012 XDA

  • CDMA

    • Sprint:

    • Verizon Wireless:

Galaxy Note N7000

Galaxy S II

Galaxy S III

  • Official (Verizon Wireless) 15-Dec-2012 (confirmed)

  • "Confirmed" 29-August-2012 (international models specifically)

  • Official (Sweden, Norway and Denmark): October 2012 (facebook post via GSMArena)

  • Official (Bell, Rogers, Sasktel, Telus, and associated brands in Canada): December 3, 2012 (twitter post)

  • Official (Mobilicity, Vidéotron and Wind Mobile in Canada) - December 14, 2012 (twitter post)

Galaxy Stellar

  • Official: March 2, 2013 (source)


2011 line up (Xperia Arc S, Ray, Mini (pro), Neo (V), ...)

  • Declined by Sony UK for the top model Arc S (source)

Xperia T, TX, V

Xperia P, J, Go)

Xperia S, SL, ion, acro S

Xperia U, Miro, Tipo, Sola

Xperia TL


Iconia Tab A500


Transformer TF101 + SL101

Transformer TF201 + TF300T + TF700T

Transformer Pad TF300


Thinkpad Tablet



Friday, June 9, 2017

6.0 marshmallow - How to know what triggered an apk installation

I have been trying to solve a malware problem for the past couple days in a certain chinese phone (Android system version=6.0), the problem I am facing is that a malware keeps being reinstalled even after uninstallation, I have tried a couple of methods to no avail.

First, I tried uninstalling using the pm command, rebooted the phone and the problem was gone but as soon as I was connected to the internet the malware was installed again. I didn't want to touch the system at first so I tried to start a fresh and performed a factory reset. I tried using the internet again and I was back to square one, this time with more than 5 malware apps installed. I checked the installer package for the malware packages using pm list packages -i and all I got was installer=null so I couldn't get the app responsilble.

After this I was sure the problem lied within the system so I took fresh system images from 2 different factory ROMs and flashed them separately to the device each time performing a factory reset before switching the phone on and believe it or not when I connected to WiFi again the malware apps were still reinstalled.

I then tried capturing the traffic using Packet Capture in hope to see what app was responsible for downloading the malware, for the entire time of the packet capture session (about 1 hour) I was using internet without seeing any malware, I stopped capturing packets and after a period of 5-6 hours of using internet the malware problem began again. At this point I have really tried everything I know to spot the culprit app that installs the malware and I have run out of options, so is there really a way to get what process or app that caused silent installation of a package or should I just admit defeat and move on?

Here is a list of some malware package names:

malware - How can I identify the cache if I see its name? One name is suspicious

If Device maintenance app is launched in Samsung S8, after pressing Clean Now button, storage cleanup briefly shows different apps, storage space of which is being cleaned:

System cache

Actual view visible for about 2 seconds:

enter image description here

I know that the last one is not among installed apps (when checking by name) so it must be part of some other app, but how can I find out to which app it actually belongs? No antivirus which I tried so far reported this as the malware. But maybe there is some system analyzer which shows similar cache ownership like the above app, but with more details?

(Or maybe there is another method how to find origin of that TopBuzz symptom.)

The phone is not rooted.


First, I have no affiliation with the app SD Maid.

Without root the app SD Maid can show you the emulated path and name of its public cache of user installed apps.

  • Within the apps settings menu

  • Go to AppCleaner

  • then press the green circle at the bottom right corner to start the scan.

  • Next press the circle on the right with the i in the center of it.

This will show the path and name of the apps public cache.

pic of cache info

Edit: Thanks to darken who is the app developer whom suggested:

"Enable 'Show Systemapps' within in SD Maid's AppControl settings"

"After a scan just search for "buzz", if it is a distinct app it should find something."

"The search will look for both packagenames and app names of all types of apps except maybe instant apps if you don't have root."

I was also playing around with settings.

  • within the AppCleaner settings select show inaccessible items

  • next start a scan within the AppCleaner

  • scroll down and select the i if suspected app shows up

inaccessible AppCleaner picture

This will broaden the scan to show inaccessible app caches. This possibily will help narrow down the probable malicious app.

That is about the best you are going to be able to get without root.

Root access is need to access the apps private cache which is stored within /data/data/.

cyanogenmod - What are these dumpstate logs?

So, these files were filling up my /data/logs directory, causing me to run out of storage space rapidly.

What are they, why are there so many and how can I stop them clogging my storage?

dumpstate log file name
Screenshot (click image to enlarge)


I googled the file name and found this post on XDA:

i'm still having the storage is running out error from 3.8. I found out it was caused by the signal lost issue because inside the log folder located in data folder, it will generate many dumpstate ril reset my signal is lost. so, i'm wondering what's the best worldwide modem for 3.8 or lates nightly that won't cause signal lost thus my phone won't generate the dumpstate ril reset error and indirectly generating many dumpstate ril reset. I'm using dxlpa modem.

Looks like your phone might be affected by a bug in CM. I would switch ROM and see if it goes away, if not, you could try an app like GetRIL to find out what Radio Interface Layer you are using, and if there is another you can use that might help you not lose connection over and over.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Google account without gmail

I have a google account for G+ Picasa and some other services i like to use. What i do not like is gmail it is i believe complete junk. Be it as it may. I have purchased a new android device and wanted to sign in to buy some apps, using my already existing google account. But alas, i cannot do it without creating a gmail account it looks like. That is just crazy i have an account, if they really want to they can trace what i do already. Why do i need to have junkmail ... ehh.. i mean gmail also.

Is there a way around this? Please help. I have 14 days to return my phone so need to find a way to do it before that or abandon it.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How to find out which file system is used by my device?

How do I find out which file system is used by my device's /system, /data and other partitions?

Can I train Google Voice Actions to better recognize my voice?

I'm playing with Google Voice Actions. The idea is great, but I'm having trouble with Google Voice Actions not recognizing some of my words. The mistakes are minor, but are bad enough that the application returns bad results half the time.

Some examples: * The words "Bee Canyon" is interpreted to be "East Canyon". * "Road" is interpreted as "route"

I am using a Samsung Intercept M910.

I speak American English, with a typical American (Californian) accent. I'm sitting in a quiet room with little background noise.

Is there a way to 'train' Google Voice Actions so that it will understand my voice better?

wi fi - changing dns settings on android - not working

When i set my dns on my android device and go to dns leak test it's not the dns that I set in the dns settings. Its the dns set by my ISP.

How can I get it to use the dns that I want?

for reference:
my device is a lemaker guitar
I do not have root access on the device
I am accessing my wifi at home


Maybe I need to have root and/or use an app like the one mentioned here - Override DNS.
Also need to work out what version of android it is, but think it is the most recent version.
Related question here leaving the ip as dynamic(currently giving it static ip from the router) and using apps to change change the dns.
Related Q here but he can't save the new dns settings.
A possible option here in one of the answers is use debugging mode and adb to change the dns settings, but my problem is not changing the dns it is getting the dns I change it to to work.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

google wallet - Buying from Play store using a credit card with foreign billing address

Is it possible to use a credit card with a foreign billing address to buy items from a local Play store? I have a Visa credit card from a German bank with a billing address in Germany registered in my Google Wallet. I have successfully used my Wallet to pay for online purchases from several online service providers in different foreign currencies so I am sure the credit card is correctly registered in my Wallet account. However, while physically located in the UK, I cannot complete any purchase from the UK Play store. At the point when I need to select my preferred payment method from my Wallet account, it shows my registered credit card greyed out with the text "Unsupported Payment method" next to it.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

4.4 kitkat - IMEI Invalid - Lenovo S860, rooted android 4.4.2, nothing works

I saw and tried more than 10 ways to repair the IMEI, including rooting the phone, connection to PC, mobile terminal emulator, but nothing works.

The phone is 2GB RAM Lenovo S860. It has 2 sim card slots (I'm using both) 3G and 2G respectively. (I cannot post link because of low reputation, gsmarena has specifications for my phone)

I accidentally deleted the system folder, after which the phone bricked, but I managed to repair it using the following android verion ( as an upgrade to (, both installed using PC.

Now I have the IMEI problem and I really need quick fix because I need the phone for work.


I am using MTK Engineering Mode app from Play Store to restore my lost IMEI after flashing ROM. You should know your previous IMEI number. It is usually mentioned in the area underneath battery. When you will open your phone you will see it.


  1. Open MTK Engineering Mode.

  2. Click MTK setting.

  3. From connectivity tab choose CDS information, radio information, phone1 or phone2, send AT command AT+EGMR=1,7,”your15digitsIMEI”.

  4. Click send AT command button.

  5. Restart your phone and it should work now.

If still unclear see my article here.

wi fi - Android phone constantly loses Wi-Fi connection

My Android phone loses the Wi-Fi connection when I'm at home in the very short time after it is connected, usually around the first 30 seconds. Sometimes it works fine, but not often. When it isn't working, the Wi-Fi icon remains present. But I can't for instance browse to the IP of router

The same phone is working properly with my work Wi-Fi. Other devices don't have problem with the home WiFi.

I'm a little lost and don't know how I can find the reason an fix it.


I can't say that I completely understand how but the issue was solverd after I changed the DNS settings of my phone (for my home WiFi). I set it to Google default DNS and
And since that never this problem again.

Why the phone was loosing the whole connection is still unclear to me (though it remains now pure theoretical question)

Where's the stock keyboard's predictive dictionary located?

As a native Spanish speaker, a lot of words in my language have accents on them and writing SMS with this shortens its length to half, due to unicode conversion.

My idea is to edit the predictive dictionary and remove all the special characters, in order to avoid getting them while writing.

So, my question is, where's the dictionary located? I'm currently using the LG Optimus Me stock keyboard. I did a little research inside the system folders and found a couple of xt9 folders but no traces of the Spanish (or other languages) dictionary.

Friday, June 2, 2017

security - Can my Android device become - remotely and without my permission - a wiretap and get used as surveillance device?

I saw the following article:

An article in the Financial Times last year said mobile providers can "remotely install a piece of software on to any handset, without the owner's knowledge, which will activate the microphone even when its owner is not making a call.

Is this possible one Android phones and is there a way to block it?


Ahh, Schneier on Security, Unvy gb gur Xvat. :-)


It may be possible, no one can say for sure. And since no one knows if it's possible you can't block it, because you don't know what and therefore how to block.

But first, let use investigate the statement step by step:

Note that the Article is from 2006

...said mobile providers can...

Google is certainly able to do so, if you are using a Google Services enabled device (usually the ones with "by Google" on the back). But basically every hardware/software manufacturer, whose parts are placed within smartphone (or traditional mobile phone), is able to install backdoors in his products, which could by used third parties to manipulate the device. Either because they bought this access or because the manufacturer is forced to, for example by a (secret) government regulation.

..."remotely install a piece of software on to any handset,..

That's possible and every time you install an app over the Play Store web interface you use this technique.

..without the owner's knowledge,..

Usually you will see visual feedback about the installation process, at least until it's running. But the notification about the new app stays in the notification bar. But no one can rule out that there is a silent install method too.

..which will activate the microphone even when its owner is not making a call...

Android apps are able to activiate the microphone if they have the permission to to so. But if the app came with a silent install method, who knows if the permission for the microphone was also silently given?

And now, how can I protect my privacy?

As soon as you buy a piece of hardware/software without having the ability to verify the hardware and software components for surveillance backdoors, you are lost.

But there are alternatives. There have been attempts to create open source hardware and software for smartphones. Therefore allowing you to review the components for unwanted modules. See for example Opoenmoko.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

data recovery - Is there a way to recover a deleted SMS?

I deleted an entire SMS thread by mistake from my HTC Wildfire. Is there any way I can retrieve that thread ?

external sd - Optimal Linux Distro to Install to SD card to use as USB-Bootloader for PC?

Many people install Linux-based distros on USB drives to use for, largely, basic PC troubleshooting. Has anyone tried installing such a thing on their Android phone's SD card? That way instead of carrying about both a USB drive and a phone, one could simply plug their phone in, boot the PC from USB, and set about performing whatever actions are necessary. Does anyone have any recommendations for particular flavors of Linux which are best suited to this task?

Understand the storage of my phone?

(I just updated my post to clarify my questions. Hope that can help to make myself clearer.)

My phone is Kyocera Hydro Icon with Android 4.3.

  1. The website where I bought the phone says


    Internal: 8GB, 1.5GB RAM

    The 1.5GB RAM isn't part of the 8GB "internal", correct?

  2. On my phone, I go to Settings -> Device -> Storage which says:

    IMG: IMG:

    Are "internal storage" and "phone" two partitions (and thus two file systems)? If yes, what are their mounting points (directories), or how can I find out their mounting points?

    Both "internal storage" and "phone" store "Apps (app data & media ...)". What are the differences between the apps stored on the two places?

    Where are the firmware and OS (Android) stored in my phone, "internal storage", "phone", or somewhere else?

    The total space of "internal storage" is 4.42GB, and the total space of "phone" is 1GB. But the website says I have 8GB "internal". Is it correct that there are still 8 - 4.42 - 1 = 2.58GB left? Has the remaining 2.58GB been used to store some files? If yes, what files are stored there, or how can I find it out? Is the remaining 2.58GB a partition (and thus a file system)? What is or how can I find out its mounting point?

  3. Output of Diskinfo (under the expert setting, unmounted and other partitions checked)


    The sum of the listed partitions' sizes is (800+643)MB + 4.5GB + 1GB = 1.41GB + 4.5GB + 1GB = 6.91GB, which is still smaller than 8GB "internal" given by the shopping website.

  4. Output of df

     $ df                                                         
    Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize

    /dev 672.6M 128.0K 672.5M 4096
    /sys/fs/cgroup 672.6M 12.0K 672.6M 4096
    /mnt/asec 672.6M 0.0K 672.6M 4096
    /mnt/obb 672.6M 0.0K 672.6M 4096
    /system 786.5M 768.0M 18.5M 4096
    /data 4.4G 3.6G 802.9M 4096
    /cache 632.1M 25.7M 606.4M 4096
    /persist 7.8M 4.8M 3.0M 4096
    /firmware 64.0M 56.9M 7.1M 16384
    /sysprop 7.8M 6.0M 1.9M 4096

    /carrier 19.6M 4.0M 15.6M 4096
    /mnt/media_rw/sdcard0: Permission denied
    /mnt/secure/asec: Permission denied
    /storage/sdcard0 1.9G 170.4M 1.7G 32768
    /mnt/media_rw/sdcard1: Permission denied
    /storage/sdcard1 1023.7M 825.6M 198.1M 16384

    The sum of the file systems' sizes is (672.6*4 + 786.5 + 632.1 + 7.8*2 + 64 + 19.6 + 1023.7)MB + 4.4GB = 5.11GB + 4.4GB= 9.51GB (note I convert from a MB value to a GB value by dividing MB value by 1024. I also didn't add /storage/sdcard0 into the sum , which is for the external SD card). It is greater than 8GB "internal" shown by the shopping website. Why is that?

    The sizes of /system, /cache and /data given by df are 786.5M, 632.1M and 4.4G, while the sizes of System, Cache and Data (userdata) given by Diskinfo are 800MB, 643MB and 4.5GB. why do they not match? (The size of /storage/sdcard1 given by df and the size of SD card (internalstorage) given by Diskinfo match. )


samsung galaxy s 2 - Cannot restore Kies backup after firmware upgrade

I backed up my Samsung Galaxy S2 on Kies before updating to Ice Cream Sandwich. After the upgrade I tried to restore, but the restore fails ...