Thursday, December 29, 2016

7.1 nougat - How to view devices connected to hotspot on Google Pixel?

This has been asked for a few times before, but none recently or with the Pixel/Nougat specifically that I was able to find. Root is unavailable, so I need a way to do this as a regular user. I really just want to see what IP my Raspberry Pi got assigned by the Android DHCP. Also, if there's a way to set DHCP reservations to avoid having to look it up every time, I would love to know how to do that as well.


Most of the solutions known to me require root (as I noted in comments). However there is a third-party application that seems to be able to handle this task as well.

Hotspot manager claims to be able to monitor all connected clients on the hotspot. It gives the MAC Address as well as IP address of connected clients

Some other features include:

  • Managing multiple WiFi hotspots for different scenarios.

  • Monitoring all connected clients to your device.

  • WiFi auto recovery: WiFi state will be recovered if the hotspot is turned off (assuming either widget or the app to toggle).

See screenshots:

Error when downloading application from the play store: RPC: S-3

I just got an Android tablet and when I try to install an app on the Play store it says:

error retrieving information from server [RPC:S-3].

I've tried clearing the data for the Play Store app & turning it off & back on but it didn't work.

5.0 lollipop - How to keep my screen light on during the call (Nexus 4, Android 5.1.1)

I have a Nexus 4 (Android 5.1.1). My proximity sensor does not work well. I don't have any cover. The distance it detects is always 0 cm.

  1. One solution I found is turn on "Power button ends call". However I need use my keyboard during the call.

  2. I also tried some proximity sensor reset apps, but they do not work on my phone.

  3. One solution I found is to keep the screen light on. But I don't have this setting on my phone.

Is there any other way to keep my screen light on during the call or other solutions? Thanks

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

htc desire - Is Internet tethering possible on Android phone via bluetooth or WiFi?

I have a HTC Desire and use different Wifi networks with it, but I don't have mobile internet access. My laptop is usualy connected via a mobile modem. Is there a way to share the laptop's internet access via Wifi or Bluetooth?

6.0 marshmallow - GPS issue when Mobile Data is enabled

I have two Motorola devices, a Moto X2 and Moto G3, both with Android M 6.0 (Original most recent ROM without root).

I have recently noticed problems with the GPS on both devices. Google Maps and Waze many times the GPS signal drops and can not determine the location.

In my test I could find that the GPS problem happens when the Mobile Data (only 3G) are active. Just disabling mobile data and GPS back to work with good accuracy and even on rainy days.

I researched on the Internet and can not find a solution to the problem. Already restored the network connections and even restored the factory settings. Also I have been tested to work with modes High Accuracy and Only GPS. The problem persists.

The issue is the same in both devices.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

rooting - Sony Xperia Z1 won't start up again!

As you may know, you have to backup the TA-partition before you put a custom ROM on the Sony Xperia Z1. I've backupped the partition with this .bat file:

I've rooted my Z1 succesfully and flashed a custom ROM on it (PACMAN-ROM). Right after that I've tried to restore the TA-partition with that same program (.bat file), because the camera didn't work well (the camera wouldn't focus and the flash wasn't working).

Everything went well untill the program asked me to reboot the device. It shutted down and did not boot again.

I've tried to put a boot image (adv-stock-v3.img) on it again with CMD (sdk, platform-tools, ya know) while the Z1 is in fastboot-modus.

But I keep getting the "FAILED "-error.

C:\Users\Teake\Desktop\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130917\sdk\platform-tools>fastbo ot flash boot adv-stock-v3.img sending 'boot' (13254 KB)... OKAY [ 0.454s] writing 'boot'... FAILED finished. total time: 0.458s

How can I get my boot image working again on my Z1?

4.0 ice cream sandwich - Chinese tablet does not boot

I have a Chinese Tablet that was working till last night. I did a factory reset and now it is stuck in small Android logo. I have tried all key combinations to enter into recovery with no success. Please help. Do let me know what information can I provide about the tablet.

System (Android 4.0.4)
Model- L26

Manufacturer - unknown
Device - crane-a088
Product - crane_a088
Brand softwinners
Android Version - 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
API Level - 15
Build ID - IMM76D
Fingerprint - softwinners/crane_a088/crane-a088:4.0.4/IMM76D/20120924:eng/test-keys
Display (800x432)

Processor (ARMv7)
Processor - ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)
Cores - 1
Max Frequency - 1200 Mhz
Instruction Sets - armeabi v7a, armeabi
SIMD Instructions - NEON

Memory (306 MB)
System RAM - 306 MB
JVM Max Memory - 48 MB

Internal Storage - 639 MB
External Storage - 935 MB

Back Camera - (1.9 megapixel)
Front Camera - (0.3 megapixel)

Sensors (2)
MMA 3-axis Accelerometer
Vendor - Freescale Semiconductor Inc.

Broncho 2-axis Orientation
Vendor - Topwise 3G Inc.

OpenGL 1.X (Mali-400 MP)
Renderer - Mali-400 MP
Version - OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
Vendor - ARM

OpenGL 2.0 (Mali-400 MP)

Renderer - Mali-400 MP
Version OpenGL ES 2.0
Vendor - ARM
GLSL Version - OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00

Features (20)
OpenGL 2.0
Android Hardware



Android Software

Model number
Android version
Baseband version
Kernel version
lihongling@lihongling-desktop #30

Mon Sep 24 19.53.13 CST 2012
Build number


If it is stuck in bootloop, I suspect corruption in /system. You should either reinstall the stock ROM or install a custom one. The first thing you will need is a custom recovery. According to this post by flowish at XDA-Developers, you can do this by follwing these steps:

  • Download the recovery (recommended latest build)

  • extract and put to your /sdcard

  • open terminal applications (like better terminal emulator) ,or you can use from adb shell and type :

    $ su
    # cd /mnt/sdcard
    # sh
    # sh

Here is the button configuration of the recovery:

Power button : Select

Volume (+) : Up

Volume (-) : Down

After doing that, install a new ROM from the recovery. Here is a custom ROM (from a post by nizar07 at that you can install from recovery.

benchmarks - Is there a searchable app catalog that rank applications by power and network bandwith usage?

I'm pretty sure I have used such a site previously, but could not find it in my bookmarks anymore.

My use case: I have some apps that I seldom use, and want to be able to quickly see how much battery and bandwith I can save by just keeping them disabled until I need to use them.


Broken Screen + Using adb shell to run vnc server

I have an HTC HD2 with a completely busted screen, I tried repairing it with a replacement screen but broke the ribbon cable to the screen (oops) sad day,

I've got two of these and I've been running them as servers and ipcam cameras.

I started using qtadb, which did work on my phone despite a broken screen. I installed droid VNC Server beta using the file manager on qtadb. I grabbed the app's manifest:

and I have tried several things to start and run the service using the console on qtadb. I have tried running:

am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.onaips.vnc/

am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.onaips.vnc/org.onaips.vnc.MainActivity

am start -n org.onaips.vnc/

am start -n org.onaips.vnc/org.onaips.vnc.MainActivity

am startservice -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.onaips.vnc/

am startservice -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.onaips.vnc/org.onaips.vnc.MainActivity


I test each time by NMAPing my device's ip address, no new ports show up. (I don't have a firewall)

But on a working phone, it doesn't start when you run the app; it starts when you press the run button. So How do I press the run button with a broken screen?

I just need vnc server to run so i can actually do some config things to run debian and my video server on it.


Use adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.Main -n org.onaips.vnc/.MainActivity outside the shell, and the VNC server will start.

Export Chrome history in android

Is there a way to export the entire browser history from Chrome under Android, in any file format (csv, xml, whatever)?

I have Chrome 42.0.2311.111 under Android 4.2.2.

file transfer - How can I use my Galaxy Nexus as an external USB storage drive?

I just got the Galaxy Nexus and learned that it does not support USB Mass Storage mode. It only supports MTP and PTP. I regularly use my phone as a USB flash drive at work so this is a problem. I can transfer files back and forth with MTP however I need to edit files directly on my phone.

I'd like to find a way to continue to use the phone as an external drive and be able to access the files on my phones storage directly without transferring the files back and forth however I have several constraints: The network at my work isn't connected to the internet, it doesn't have wifi, and the computers do not have Bluetooth and this is not going to change. Ideally I would not have to install anything on the computer, but if there are no other options I'd consider this.

Are there any hacks or workarounds that will allow me to use my Galaxy Nexus as an external flash drive in the way I described?

Can I create a separate mountable FAT partition on the phones storage that I can access from a Windows XP computer a well as through the Android OS in the way that's possible with other devices that have external storage cards?

The Phone: It's a rooted & unlocked Galaxy Nexus on VZW and currently running CM9.

Monday, December 26, 2016

screen - Change android device physical resolution

I have downloaded an app that, when it starts, check the device resolution and displays a message indicating that my resolution should be at least be 800x600. I have changed my screen density using the LCD Resolution app in order to have a fake 800x600 resolution (it worked well).

Problem is that the app still disaplys the error message and displays my resolution has if it hadn't change so I guess it is based on the physical resolution of the device. Is there a way to fake the physical resolution so that I can run the app?

4.4 kitkat - How to stream audio from PC to android device through USB?

How to stream audio from PC to Android Device over Bluetooth

Is there a way to stream all audio from PC to Android via USB?

Can I stream video from PC to an android device over USB?

I have found these questions, but since they're asked a few years ago, is it possible for now?

I've seen some new feature in android 5.0 and above, like this.

But I don't know how to use those features to stream audio from pc to android device via USB, please help me!

settings - Developer options for a second user on Android 4.3

I have a Nexus 7 (2013) edition with Jelly Bean and set up several user accounts. I have enabled developer options on one account (clicking Settings::About tablet::Build number 7 times) and everything is working as it should.

Now I would like to enable developer options on a different user account. However, no matter how many times I click the Build number field, the Developer Options refuses to appear.

Is there a way to enable Developer Options on another account? Is there a way to switch Developer Options from one account to another?

(I have tried clearing settings in the account with developer options. It did remove developer options, but it still didn't allow developer options in the second account).


Only the main user (owner) has access to Developer Options.

Related question:

Can I run Windows Phone apps on Android devices?

I need to run a Windows Phone 7 app developed for our company but no one has a Windows phone. Is there any way I can run it on my Android, perhaps a simulator or something?


There is currently no way to run Windows Phone 7 apps on Android devices.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

samsung galaxy ace - Link2SD working issues

I have installed the Link2SD application on my Samsung Galaxy Ace, everything is in place, now I dont understand how it works. I have allotted 1GB of space to my second ext3 partition, I have 2 doubts:

  1. Whenever I link my application, those space does not gets deducted from internal memory, I checked in Settings → Manage Application

  2. When I move the application to SD card, still I have some space occupied in internal memory

I don't understand the exact use of Link2SD: if I allotted 1GB of space for the apps, then why my internal space is being used -- and if Link2SD does work like this only, then I would better use force move application using adb shell, which even does not require rooting. Can anyone please clarify my doubts, and let me know how can I use Link2SD, so that everything is moved to SD Card and nothing remains in internal memory?


An application files consist of apk, dex, lib and data files. Link2sd can only move the first three types of files to your SD card. Program like Google+ has huge data files so even after using link2sd they take up precious space of internal memory.

When you move app to sd, only the apk file(in Android 2.2) and only the apk and lib files (in Android 2.3) are moved.

samsung galaxy s - Is the Voodoo lagfix compatible with Darky's ROM?

My SGS has awful lag, and I'm considering my steps.

The first step I want to do is install Voodoo, because I'm under the impression that it's relatively easy and will not require my to reinstall everything on my phone (though I asked about that in a related question to make sure). If that doesn't provide the desired results, I want to flash a custom ROM. The one I'm looking at is Darky's ROM.

Will I have to uninstall Voodoo before installing Darky's ROM, or can I install Darky's on top of Voodoo?


The default kernel (Dark Core) is derived from the Voodoo kernels, but the lagfix is disabled by default. For example, the v9.5 description on XDA has the following note:

New Kernel >> Dark Core v1.0 inside! I9000, I9000M, I9000T ONLY (Cappy users choose speedmod or skip kernel)

Customized and built by ficeto [Team Darky Dev Crew]

Based on supercurio’s latest voodoo sound 6, lagfix and color - thanks a ton, Mr. Supercurio

If you install on top of a kernel with Voodoo enabled already then you should be fine (and I don't believe it will disable it, but you can re-enable if it does). There are a handful of threads on the Darky forums that talk about some of the nuances to this, but here are a couple:

adb - How to remove the SIM Toolkit from my phone? (Without root or flashing any ROM)

This application is sending a lot of spam to my phone recently, two or three times a day. I deactivated broadcast messages, tried converting USSD pop-ups into notifications to avoid being interrupted (didn't work). Basically, everything I tried didn't work, so now I want to remove it from my phone. Is it possible to do it without root, with ADB or something? I'm not a power user but I have used ADB to give permissions to some apps before.

Download Google Play Apps from Computer?

Possible Duplicate:
How can I download an APK file from the Play Store?

Can I not download the Google Play Android apps first in my computer and then transfer it to my mobile and then install and use it?

5.0 lollipop - Android 5.0 display keeps turning on with black and white notifications

I have an Oneplus One which just got its Android 5.0 version released. It is known that there are still plenty of bugs issues, but a very annoying one is that if I have notifications and turn off the display, after a few seconds it turns on (only black and white) and off, on and off, a many annoying times.

If I turn my display off, I want it to be off, regardless of notifications I haven't seen/dismissed. I suppose it is consuming a lot of battery since the display is being on much more often than the usual.

I could not find anything regarding this issue on the Internet.

Anyone has seen it before/can help me?

Thanks in advance!


I once encountered similar behavior which was triggered by Ambient Display feature inside Settings. There is a guide on OnePlus Forums here (see Usage of Privacy Guard & Built in Settings (All Users)) which mentions this:

Ambient Display – this is again another option under the Display section of the Settings, when turned on (is ON by default) splashes notifications on the lock screen in black & white, every time you grab your phone off a table or something. This is a built in feature of Android Lollipop and is very useful. However, it is not that every time you grab the phone you wanna view notifications. You could be heading some where and want to keep the phone in your pocket or mounting the phone onto your car dashboard and the list goes on. So every time you do this, the ambient display comes and goes. While this may not eat up a whole lot of battery, turning this off will do something good.

Now that you know its under SettingsDisplay & lights , you may try unchecking it and see if the issue ends. I had this issue when I flashed Lollipop and it ended right after unchecking it.

security - How can I make my lockout time stack?

If anyone has ever used an IPhone (Or tried to mess with someone else's - yes, I'm looking at you) you may be aware the the lockout timer scales with each fail after 5 attempts.

I want to do this on android, preferably Without root. anyone know how?

Edit On IPhone, after 5 failed passcode attempts, you are locked out for a minute. If you keep failing, it escalates (it will go up to 5 mins, then 15, then 60) I basically want to replicate that behaviour on android, where its 30 seconds lockout (and does not go up in time)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 Boot Loop Problem

Problem: Phone battery ran out. Popped spare battery in and the boot loop began. Can only go so far where the screen says "Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300" and nothing further.

Tried with no success:

  1. Flicking power button several times

  2. Vol Up + Home + Power = loop persists

  3. Vol Down + Home + Power, then Vol Up to select Continue and screen is just stuck in "Downloading.. Do not turn off target"

Please help :(

wi fi - Why does my device turn Wi-Fi on by itself?

Similar to Why does HTC Incredible S turn Wi-Fi on by itself?, it seems my Samsung Galaxy Victory will turn on Wi-Fi at random times. It establishes a connection if certain networks are in range (i.e. any open Wi-Fi).

I notice a Wi-Fi setting which allows this phone to keep its Wi-Fi on during sleep, but this is currently disabled.

Is there a way to prevent the device from looking for Wi-Fi networks? If this is specific to Samsung devices, has anyone figured out how to take care of this issue?


After some searching, it turns out this feature is provided by the Sprint network (although that doesn't rule out that other carriers/devices may provide similar functionality). The Q&A at points to the Sprint Connection Optimizer, AKA the "Intelligent Mobile Network and Wi-Fi Setting." This setting "will automatically connect you to Wi-Fi networks on your device's remembered list."

This setting can be enabled/disabled by navigating to Settings > More settings > Mobile Networks > Sprint Connections Optimizer.

ota update - nexus 5 android 5.1 installing

I am trying to upgrade my Nexus 6 with version 5.0.1 (Build number LRX22C) via OTA to Android 5.1.

The OTA update is downloaded successfully and after pressing "Restart & Install" I see a dead droid with the message "Error!".

The phone was rooted and I unrooted it via SuperSU. Did not help. Wiping cache partition also did not change anything.

file system - How to check filesystem (/sdcard) for errors?

I would like to check my /sdcard, and possibly other internal partitions as well, for errors on the file system level.

I am wondering how this could be accomplished.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy Nexus (toro) with Verizon Wireless.

This device does NOT have an actual SD card and I believe the only way to do it is through: "adb shell" (BEFORE system boots (i.e. inside of recovery mode), this way /sdcard is NOT mounted and it's possible to perform checks on it in read/write mode)


according to: Android Media Process (high CPU) | alexus' blog:

~ # e2fsck -n /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/userdata

e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/userdata: clean, 53630/1875968 files, 1921615/7493115 blocks
~ #

Friday, December 23, 2016

Android tablet kiosk development

I am trying to develop a kiosk application on android. I am facing two challenges.

  1. Once the tablet getting off due to a battery drain. it is not turning on even after the battery reached 100% . is there a work around for this ? I have seen regarding editing some files in /system/init of Android after rooting. But I have not seen any file related to battery or charging. I am using 4.1 and higher

  1. I am experiencing a problem of battery draining. as it continuously keep display on, battery drains gradually even if the charger is connected.

Has anybody came across similar problems and find any solutions ?

Is there android devices available which , power on automatically after connecting wall charger ? Is there tablets that doesn't have battery and directly works from charger connection ?

Please provide your suggestions.

Update 1:

As I am using kiosk operation, I have to keep the screen on every time. I am not experiencing a quick battery drain, it drains slowly even if the charger connected , like 1 percentage in 6-8 minutes, so it lasts approximately 10 hours with charger connected. Then once it gets switched off, it needs to be powered on manually ( not power on after battery drain is a normal behavior, but is there a work around for this ?).

Actually I am not expecting the battery to get drained on a charger connected. is that a normal behavior ?

Can I do anything from the software to prevent it ? When I analyzed most of the power is consumed by screen, then wifi, then comes the application. Both are switched on all the time. Any advises on this ???

Update 2:


Update 4

As my issue is considered. It is not an issue triggered by a particular event. I assume when connecting a charger android is loading the kernel and only showing a battery symbol, When we press on power button it boots up the kernel. Is there a way to bypass it ? Or is it depended on hardware or firmware ?

If it is dependent on android, Yes there is some hack we can do about it. Else it might be not possible. :(

A similar discussion is here but no definite answer android auto boot on external power


@aivknow tech

I did this on Samsung Galaxy Tab sm-t330nu

edit the lpm service entry in init.rc from

service lpm /system/bin/lpm
class charger


service lpm /system/bin/reboot

class charger

Result = from powered off state, plug in charger, battery icon displays briefly, then device reboots to normal operation.

to mod your device's service in your init.rc in the

on charger

section find that equivalent service.

sensors - How does the automatic brightness settings work?

Maybe a dumb question, but I couldn't find any official documentation to confirm.

Does it use the light sensor? Do most devices support it?


Yes, it uses the light sensor, and yes most of the smartphones support it.

As for how does it work;

Smartphones, generally, have a light sensor located in the bezel right next to the screen that measures the ambient light together with control software that appropriately raises or lowers the screen brightness based on the measured light level. If you are watching in the dark the screen should be appropriately dim. When the ambient light level is higher the screen needs to be made appropriately brighter for two reasons: because of glare from ambient light reflected off the screen, which washes out the image, and because the eye's light sensitivity decreases substantially as the ambient light level increases.

media player - Can .nomedia exclude file type?

In my Music folder, I have many subfolders for albums and they each have their album art in .jpg or .png format. I want the media scanner to not pick up these files however if I do that, then the entire Music folder would have nothing in it.

Is there any way to only exclude certain file formats? My gallery is cluttered with album art at the moment.

I also don't want to delete any of the album art.

EDIT: Requesting tag "media-scanner" to be created.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

media player - Is there any documentation on the correct/expected directory structure of the external memory card?

There's a couple of issues that i have with the way Android sees my card...

  1. The Gallery App shows CD artwork as a separate photo album.

  2. I want to exclude some things from shuffle playback by the music player.

  3. there's probably more thing that could appear better if we new what Media Scanner was doing....


Summing up from the comments, and adding a little.

There's no complete documentation for the entire cards structure, that seems not to be fixed. However, some directories seem to be more or less common:

  • the developers guide suggests app specific data should be stored below /sdcard/Android/data//files/ ( represending the name of the package the data belongs to, which looks like, and /Android/data//cache/ for external cache files (basically, this corresponds to the /data/data// directory on internal storage)

  • same source recommends a bunch of directories to store files intended to be shared among apps. All of those directories are located in the root of the card, and include:

    • Music/ - Media scanner classifies all media found here as user music.

    • Podcasts/ - Media scanner classifies all media found here as a podcast.

    • Ringtones/ - Media scanner classifies all media found here as a ringtone.

    • Alarms/ - Media scanner classifies all media found here as an alarm sound.

    • Notifications/ - Media scanner classifies all media found here as a notification sound.

    • Pictures/ - All photos (excluding those taken with the camera).

    • Movies/ - All movies (excluding those taken with the camcorder).

    • Download/ - Miscellaneous downloads.

If you wish to exclude a directory from the media scan (i.e. from being indexed for the gallery), you can place a file named .nomedia there. This will tell the media scanner to skip this directory (including all files and subdirectories) from a scan -- thus neither images, nor audio or video files stored here will turn up in the gallery. You however can still access them by looking them up manually. Up to my knowledge, there's no way to restrict this to a certain media type (i.e. having the media scanner index audio/video, but skip images). Important: Note the "dot" at the beginning of the file name (making it a "hidden file"). This must be included with its name.

Use Google Talk with multiple accounts

(Motorola Droid, Android 2.2.2)

My new employer uses Google Apps to manage e-mail etc. They're also big into instant messaging for intra-company communication.

On my device I have my personal account and have added my company account so I can use Gmail for either, have consolidated calendar, etc.

However, the Google Talk app is tied to my main (personal) Google account. I can't see a way to get it to use the company account or, better, allow both accounts to be active.

How can I use Google Talk with a secondary account?


EDIT: Looks like this is coming, according to Google employee Colin Gibbs, on this Google Mobile Support forum thread:

Thanks for being patient while we work on this feature. When we launched Android 3.0 (Honeycomb), we added support to Google Talk for multiple accounts. We're currently working on bringing the feature to phones as well.

So it looks like it should work on a Honeycomb tablet, and they may be backporting it to Gingerbread phones (video chat over GTalk has just been enabled for 2.3.4, so they're definitely porting Honeycomb Talk's features back to phones).

Original Answer:
Not a great solution, doesn't do all the alerting and notifications in a way that's integrated with the Android OS, but the only way to do this currently seems to be to use the built-in GTalk client for one account, and access the other via the web page.

For a standard GTalk account use this URL to sign into the mobile webpage:

For a Google Apps Gtalk account use this URL to sign into the mobile webpage:

Or use a second IM client for the second GTalk account, as suggested by Matthew Read.

wi fi - Problem connecting my Xperia L to shows Saved ,secured with WPA2..what should i do?

I tried to connect to my TP-Link ADSL2+ Modem Router (TD-8951ND) with my Xperia L, it worked fine the first three days, but now when I try to connect it shows "Saved, secured with WPA2" .

I tried almost everything but failed to connect. I tried resetting, restarting, changing password/id, keeping security open, manually adding the network etc.

How can I solve this?

Monday, December 19, 2016

battery life - How do I keep CPU off when charging?

When I connect the USB power source, it makes CPU to stay on (even though "Development->Stay awake" is off).

When charging from a weak power source if makes battery to drain even faster than is case of USB power is not connected at all (because of CPU stays on instead of sleeping).

How do I stop external power connectedness affecting CPU sleeping policy?

I'm not talking about screen being on, it's about CPU being awake (unfortunately it is not easy to see if CPU is on or off).

google account - How to export a list as Text of all Play Store Apps that I have ever installed

I need to generate a text export of the list under the MyApps-> Library Tab of the Play Store App for Android. I need a list of every App that I have ever installed from the Play Store, and not just a list of the subset of those which are currently installed. Thanks, Jim


Use Google Takeout to export out of Google services a list of all activity involving the Google Play Store for a Google account.

No root or even device is required as you are exporting out of Google's collected cloud data, you just need account credentials.

For reference I just did it for my account and was able to obtain a zip file containing the following JSON files:

Order History.json
Play Settings.json
Purchase History.json
Redemption History.json


If you check Installs.json you should be able to extract out the name of the app from "title" as well as when it was first installed/last updated.

A few caveats that I see:

  1. Apps on pre-Google Play devices appear to show up with package app name (i.e. com.publisher.awesomeapp). The earliest in my history is 2011. So there appears to be Android Market installs are held in this dataset.

  2. Devices.json only seems to hold recently accessed devices. I'm pretty sure I had older devices with Google Play but they aren't listed. Its possible those old devices (Gingerbread/KitKat) have 'aged' out due to lack of access so that might explain why the older app installs like from 2011 show "deviceDisplayName": "Unknown Device"

  3. title could either be plain app name or package name.

As the files are in text in JSON format, it shouldn't be too difficult extract out what you need.

From @JimCramer's comments, one can use to get a csv file from a json file.

  1. Download Google Takeout zip file.

  2. Unpack zip file

  3. Upload Library.json file to that service

  4. Review "Choose Output Options", if required

  5. Click "Convert JSON to CSV"

  6. For the Library.json file there will be three columns:

    'DocumentType', 'Title', 'Acquisition Time'

  7. Download CSV result file

  8. Import into spreadsheet, sort by 'DocumentType' to get Android Apps and enjoy

From what I recall, Excel itself can import json files.

If you don't want a third-party site to have access to your data. A search in your favorite search engine naming your spreadsheet tool with the topic of 'JSON conversion' will show either how to do it or what plugins/scripts are required for the effect.

external sd - What are the technical reasons behind the difficulty in using an SD card with Android 4 or later?

When Android was new, you could easily put what you wanted on your SD card. Pictures, apps, data, etc.

Progressing through Android 4, 5, and 6 (what I am familiar with), Google implemented various seemingly antifeatures to make things difficult for a user who wants to use the SD card for main, but still removable, storage.

What are the stated reasons behind this? What problems are they trying to solve? Why was this considered a good solution?

A great answer will have technical and nontechnical explanations. For example, how do you explain to Aunt Suzie that she can't use that shiny 200GB SD Card she got on sale from Amazon?

usb on the go - Why are USB cables of two different OEM's different

The USB has various purposes for data transfer, movement of input and output signals for hardware like connecting an Android device to another Display screen (USB on the go), charging the device etc.(during a device charge the voltage drawn from the USB is same irrespective of the device or OEM then Why are two USB Cables different ?

A USB of one manufacturer may not be supporting another manufacturer. We get problems if we do connect them like

Why does the screen flicker when connecting to a third party wall mounted USB charger


Why does my phone have erroneous input when connected to a non-OEM power source?


The two questions you link to are to do with different chargers, not the cables. If two cables both adhere to the USB standard, they're interchangeable. You can tell if a cable adheres to the standard, as it will have the USB logo on one or both of the plugs. It's not allowed to display the logo if it doesn't meet the spec. There are two cases where you might have a "USB cable" that really isn't (and thus doesn't have the logo):-

  1. I've seen cheap cables that don't have the D+ and D- lines wired correctly. They ought to be a twisted pair, as USB uses differential signalling to make it more resistant to noise. But the cheapest cables save money by having a single line that's only wired to the D+ pin. These cables will be unreliable and might not work with some devices.

  2. Some devices use a USB port to charge but not to transfer data (i.e. they're not USB devices). Examples include Bluetooth headsets and game controllers. These devices sometimes come with a cable that looks like a USB cable but only has the power pins wired: the data pins aren't connected to anything. Such a cable can only be used for charging.

Apart from these exceptions, the cable itself makes no difference (as long as it's not physically damaged). What makes a difference is the charger: the thing you plug the cable into, that also plugs into the mains. For faster charging from mains power, manufacturers get around the limit on how much voltage and current USB is specified for by introducing their own extra modifications to USB.

These allow the manufacturer's charger to charge compatible devices faster. However, so that the charger still meets the USB standard, and won't fry a standard USB device, it can only supply the extra voltage or current if it detects that the device is compatible, using extra pins, or by having the pins wired together in a special way. Devices that don't have the manufacturer's modification will only charge using standard USB current, so will charge more slowly.

Because there's been such a need for high-powered charging, recent revisions of the USB standard have added more support for chargers and have increased the current limit, but the manufacturers still use their own extensions (to make sure chargers from the same manufacturer are interchangeable).

Sunday, December 18, 2016

lock screens - Where has the forgotten password button gone?

My device is running Android 5.0 Lollipop or above and I have forgotten my lock screen password. After trying multiple times without luck, I do not see an option to reset my password using my Google account credentials. Why is this option not appearing?

Is it possible to pre-download a YouTube video to view it later offline?

I have the Galaxy S3, and I'd like to watch YouTube videos during my commutes. I like to watch long videos (around 1 hours), so I have no more than 1 video per commute.

However, youtube video takes a lot of bandwidth and I have a cap on data usage. Besides, connection outside during peak hours tend to be slow, which makes the video pause to download a lot of times.

Is it possible to pre-download a video at home (using my Wi-Fi, which is faster and has no data cap), and watch it on the way? I tried pausing it at home and let it download, but whenever the phone sleep (it sleeps often!), or the application switch from youtube to anything else, it seems all previous download will be lost.

6.0 marshmallow - Google Play store asks to uninstall apps on sd card to free up space for new installations

My phone internal storage has very less free space (about 450 MB), which is why I cannot install any new app, or update existing apps.

When I go to play store and click on any app to update, it asks me to uninstall apps to free space. However, the list also has apps that are completely on the sd card. When I click on the check box adjacent to an app that is on sd card, play store says that the required space has been freed.

But how is this possible? Apps on sd card should not take any space on internal storage other than cache. On the other hand, updates are always installed on internal storage. So, how can an app on SD card free up space on internal storage?

For example, consider the following app which is on SD card:

enter image description here

I want to update an app, which requires 46MB storage space:

enter image description here

When I tick the check box adjacent to it, play store says that space has been created for update to get installed:

enter image description here

How is this possible?


See App Install Location for what could be the reason

When your application is installed on the external storage:

The .apk file is saved on the external storage, but all private user data, databases, optimized .dex files, and extracted native code are saved on the internal device memory.

(Emphasis Supplied)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

volume control - How do I adjust audio balance of my Android phone headphones out?

My earphones are unbalanced - one is louder than the other, so I need to adjust the sound volume balance to get it right. How can I do it on Android?

How come my adb can't simulate a touchscreen tap?

I've read I can simulate a tap on my touchscreen by using adb but it doesn't work:

C:\>adb shell input touchscreen tap 1 1
Error: Unknown command: touchscreen
usage: input [text|keyevent]

input text
input keyevent

How come I can't send a tap to my device? I have the latest version of the SDK tools and the SDK platform tools. Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32. Thanks


Your version of SDK tools has nothing to do with the parameters input can understand or execute. Input is a binary in Android OS which can be run independently without requiring any set of external tools such as ADB.

The reason you receive the error "Error: Unknown command: touchscreen" is because you're running an Android version earlier than Android 4.1.1. You would already notice that in the input usage you posted, the binary entertains only two parameters i.e. text and keyevent.

In Android 4.0.x, the input command's usage remains the same as the one you posted. In fact, even Android 2.3.7 has the same input command's usage. (See on GrepCode for comparison of command's usage between Android versions.)

It was Android 4.1.1 which introduced tap and swipe parameter with usage,

usage: input ...

input text
input keyevent
input tap
input swipe

See the source code for more.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Notification icon that looks like "no entry" symbol

There is an icon in my notification bar that looks like a no entry symbol (far left):

HTC android notification

Does anyone know what it is/means? I have been unable to find out.

internal storage - What's in Chrome's data?

I'm running stock 4.1.2 on a Wolfgang AT-AS43D4 (not rooted). According to DiskUsage, I have about 755 MiB app storage in total, of which I have currently around 100 MiB free space left, so I try to keep the internal storage as empty as possible.

I see Chrome taking up 94.4 MiB, (134 MiB after the latest update) of which about 24.3 MiB is data (up to 28 MiB by now).

My question is twofold:

What is in there? What does Chrome keep there that's almost over 25 MB big?

How can I selectively clean that? I can delete the data wholesale, but I don't want to. Is there any other way? I tried various options in Chrome, but couldn't find anything useful.

Edited: a previous version of this question mentioned an insufficient memory error. This had little to do with the question; I was conflating RAM and app storage.


It contains:-

  • Resource files for Chrome itself. These are really part of the app, but they're downloaded by Chrome itself so the APK doesn't need to contain all the resources for all locales, and to make them easier to update.

  • Local storage for websites that use the HTML5 local storage feature. For some sites (e.g. Twitter) this can get quite large.

  • All your preferences, just like any other app. This amounts to a few KB.

4.0 ice cream sandwich - Can't exit airplane mode

I sometimes have this weird behaviour

  1. My phone has zero mobile network

  2. I decide I should "reboot" the GSM service, and go to airplane mode

  3. I want to disable the airplane mode in order to return to normal state. After a long press on power button, I do have the "device options", however nothing happens when I press Airplane mode (airplane mode enable). I am stuck in airplane mode.

However this option is not disabled (greyed out). Of course, I have a SIM, and it will be detected after a reboot.

The other options from "device options" behave normally (I can turn of sound, turn off device or reboot). It just seems this part of the screen cannot be touched anymore.

Have you experience this? Is it a known bug? How can I disable airplane mode, but rebooting?

Samsung galaxy SII with latest official Android 4.0.4

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Why is it that many Android apps do not feature a true close application feature?

I was wondering why it seems many applications in the Android eco-system come without a true "close" feature? It seems "different(to be politically correct)" to have to manage if an application is running through the OS rather than the actual application itself.


This is a policy encouraged by Google. I can't find the exact link, but you can see related guidelines here:

The idea is that users shouldn't have to explicitly manage their apps, they can just let the Android OS hibernate or terminate applications on an as-needed basis. The problem, of course, is that this doesn't work perfectly. I find it's often too aggressive with apps I want running, and not aggressive enough with services I'm not interested in. But the goal is to minimize the time users need to spend managing application states.

Monday, December 12, 2016

root access - Stuck in boot after changing dpi - Lenovo a7000

I used Texdroider DPI to change the dpi from 320 to 300 and after the reboot it gets stuck at the lenovo logo. I could just flash it again but i don't have the rom on this pc, and it will take 10h to download it.

Is there any faster way to reset the dpi? I have TWRP installed. With android 5.0.1.

Edit: Output of cat /system/build.prop | grep density is ro.sf.lcd_density=300 Tried editing build.prop back to 320 with Sublime Text. Now the command returns ro.sf.lcd_density=320 but it still gets stuck.

wi fi - Can I use 2 android phones as walkie talkie? (without internet!)

I want to use 2 (or more) android phones as walkie-talkie (i.e. they talk each other without needing internet/voice call).

Of course this should work with WiFi, because it doesn't make much sense a to have Bluetooth or USB connection for this application.


Here is what I use that do not need an internet connection:

Sunday, December 11, 2016

rooting - How do I root my HTC Hero?

I'm tired of waiting for my Android 2.1 update to arrive, so I've decided to root my HTC Hero.

Any direction as to how I should do this?

Note: I actually have a T-Mobile branded version, so I do need some workaround because it doesn't let itself be unlocked as easily as vanilla HTC Heros.


See here:

Like you, I got fed up with waiting for OTA upgrade from Orange. Using VillainRom 12, which is brilliant. No regrets!

adb - Installing fsmon onto Galaxy S8 phone

I am using a Galaxy S8 phone, and I am trying to install fsmon to monitor the phone's File System. When i entered the following command (while using adb shell:

dreamlte:/ $ make android NDK_ARCH=arm64 ANDROID_API=26

The following error surfaced:

/system/bin/sh: make: not found

Does anyone know where to install make command into android phone? Or am I installing fsmon on the wrong environment?

adb - How do I install missing command line tools onto an Android device?

Android installations do not always have all the tools one would expect to have on a Unix-like system.

For example, right now I have a problematic device which doesn't have find CLI utility. I mean, this is what I get while in adb shell:

$ find
/system/bin/sh: find: not found


$ /system/bin/toolbox find
find: no such tool

This particular device is running Android 5.0 (plus some proprietary additions by LG, I guess), but the question is for all Android versions, of course.

Is there a standard procedure for installing native/CLI tools (such as find), on Android? (A package manager?) And, anyways, how to do it in the most correct way?


You can consider installing BusyBox app by Stephen. Per Play Store, the minimum Android version supported by app is Android 1.6 and it is a well-updated app. In essence, it installs the busybox binary into /system/xbin and places symlinks in the same directory for all the utilities it has.

What is BusyBox (not the app)?

BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any small or embedded system.

Here is the official list of utilities it provides. find tool can be found there.

A competent alternative to BusyBox is Toybox, which has replaced Toolbox in Marshmallow release.

What is Toybox?

Toybox combines many common Linux command line utilities together into a single BSD-licensed executable. It's simple, small, fast, and reasonably standards-compliant (POSIX-2008 and LSB 4.1).

Here is the official list of utilities toybox supports. BusyBox, at the moment, appears to support more tools than Toybox.

I do not think an app exists to install Toybox binary, so you may use my answer here for the purpose of its installation. Note that the answer can be used for the installation of both Toybox and BusyBox. Only prerequisite is downloading the binary from official sources.

Official download links:

I do not know whether there is a universal approach for all Android versions. That said, for Android 4.0 and up BusyBox Install (No Root) claims to work. There may be some terminal apps that comes with BusyBox binary. I've not personally tested any such terminal app but it is easy to understand that their biggest drawback is: you can't make any or much good use of them using .

There is an approach however, which appears to work for any Android version above 4.2 (based on my tests). /data/local/tmp is a directory which can be edited by shell user. adb shell grants you the remote shell on device and login as the same user.

All you've to do is put BusyBox/Toybox binary into /data/local/tmp and create symlinks for the utilities in the same directory. You can use the following steps for that.

(Requires setup in PC.)

adb push LOCAL_FILE /data/local/tmp/ # replace LOCAL_FILE with the file path of toybox/busybox binary in PC

adb shell
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/FILE # setting appropriate permission on pushed binary file. Replace FILE with the name of the binary you pushed in first step. Recommended is to use a single word as a name with all lower-case letters
box=/data/local/tmp/FILE # setting up a local variable for usage in next step. Replace FILE as appropriate
$box | $box sed 's/\ /\n/g'| $box sed '$d'| while read line; do $box ln -sf /data/local/tmp/FILE /data/local/tmp/$line; done # We're executing the binary referenced by $box to list all utilities, followed by creation of a list and then for each item in the list, we're creating a symlink in a directory.

Izzy has recommended the most straightforward way to place symlinks for BusyBox binary.

adb shell /data/local/tmp/FILE --install -s /data/local/tmp/ # Replace FILE as appropriate. --install -s will create desired symlinks for you in a directory. Directory's path is provided next to it.

All those tools can now be accessed using the absolute path /data/local/tmp/TOOL. Replace TOOL with the utility name. Example usage of calling find command:

adb shell /data/local/tmp/find --help
adb shell /data/local/tmp/FILE find --help # alternative way of using a tool

For interactive shell sessions, you can add the location of FILE into $PATH using export command:

export PATH=/data/local/tmp:$PATH # this is prefixing /data/local/tmp into the existing value of $PATH. export would make sure that sub-shells see the same value in $PATH

Done that, you can now use find or another BusyBox/Toybox utility in this manner:

adb shell

find --help

It is to be noted that changes in $PATH are applicable only for the current shell session. It means that every time you launch a shell using adb, you would've to export $PATH.

That said, there is no Android-only solution for non-interactive shell sessions other than of finding a way to create a variable whose existence and value would persist beyond the current shell session in your PC, not Android. Example:

adb shell $lolcat   # $lolcat is a temporary variable in my shell on PC and it was assigned the value /system/xbin/toybox. My bash shell is replacing $lolcat with its value and then passing it to adb shell (or you can say, it first expanded the variable and then executed the whole command)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

security - Disable toast when screen is pinned in Android

When passing my phone to someone, I pin the screen for safety reasons. Is there a way to disable those ugly toasts which keep popping up and giving them a gist of what's happening?


You'll need root access, a compatible Xposed framework1 installed and EnhancedToast (an Xposed module) installed and activated in Xposed Installer app.

Once the Xposed module is activated and device rebooted, launch EnhancedToast → Android System (package name: android) → select the toasts that you want not to show up. Selection of any entry would cause its background to turn red. I sometimes need to reboot, but often, the changes take place immediately.

(Click an image to enlarge it)


The command-line as well as take it or leave it approach is to do:

(Requires setup in PC; root access not required; works only in Android 5.1.x and above)

adb shell appops set android TOAST_WINDOW deny   # this would deny all toasts from Android System

Using a terminal emulator app but with root access, do:

appops set android TOAST_WINDOW deny

To allow the toasts again, replace deny with allow in the said commands, as appropriate.

1 Xposed Framework: Android 5.x and 6.x

2.2 froyo - Android - “SIM card doesn't allow a connection to this network” ERROR

I have a problem with my Xperia X10 (U20i). I purchased it new. It worked fine for a week or so, then I switched to another network operator. When I try to connect automatically it says "Registered on network" but there is no signal. I changed 3 sim cards so far. Still the same. When I put the sim card in another phone that also works, the other phone manages to find the signal. I put back the sim card in my Xperia, it works fine until for some reason I have no signal and the circle continues. I love my phone, I want it to work, with this provider.

I am very annoyed. The network provider doesn't know what could it be, they blame the phone. But the phone works with other providers with no problem so I assume it is something else.

I did a factory settings restore, I checked for updates.

I want to fix it, this issue drives me crazy and I don't want to let it go, I want to FIX it.

2.2 froyo - Can I disable geotagging and delete prior geotag information in photos?

My phone is a rooted Samsung Captivate (Galaxy S) running a 2.2.1-based ROM. Another question touched on this, but I want to do 2 things

  1. Be able to take pictures that are not geotagged. According to the referenced post above, "it turns out Froyo made GeoTracking default and unchangeable in Galaxy S". Yay. So, I can either use another camera app that doesn't use geotagging, or some other solution. I may have more options since the phone is rooted. I would prefer not to disable GPS altogether.

  2. Clear previous geotag information from my photos, either on the phone or through my desktop computer (Windows XP or Linux).


As a solution to #2, GeoTag Security is a program you could use. It (should) run in XP, so you would have to copy your pictures to your computer first, or hook your SD up via usb, but it should do the trick!

Here's the site where i found it, the above is a direct link to their site.

boot loop - Bootloop using Sony Xperia Arc S (LT18i)

Hey guys so I'm in boot loop. Yes I know there are many guides all over saying how to fix it but I have tried many of them and they didnt work.

What happens is I start the phone, it shows the boot image and then restarts after a time.

I can boot into the Recovery mode by spamming the back button when the Logo comes. And can install zip files from the SD card. I also have tried flashtool to restore it to stock but when i try flashing it detects my device "Device connected in flash mode" but when i try toflash it, it gives an error "Error flashing. Aborted".

Any help?

cyanogenmod - Empty /data/log folder

I have Galaxy Sii s9100 with CM 10.2 (android 4.3)

I am encountering the bug that fill the folder /data/log and display the notfication "Storage space running out"

I can see that the problem is coming from the log folder using DiskUsage (1741Mo)

The problem is I can't succeed to empty this folder, I tried :

  • DiskUsage (it says that I can't delete log files)

  • ES Explorer (the folder looks empty)

  • Dial *#9900# (got an error IHM not valid)

Any other ideas ? Or any ideas why I can't use these methods ?


Automated solutions could involve : Make a job running in intervals (e.g. all 3 hours), with the task to shell-execute rm -rf /data/log/* as root, should keep the folder clean. Tasker has a "run shell" command, where you can tick "use root" – that's what you would need.

Friday, December 9, 2016

data recovery - Photos and music from internal storage got deleted. How to recover them?

I restarted my LG Android phone and it was supposed to back up my phone's memory – but it deleted my photos and music that was saved to my phone's internal memory.

How do I get my music and photos back?

Thursday, December 8, 2016

why HTC wildfire phone deleted all of my sms for 2 times?

my HTC wildfire phone deleted all of my sms suddenly. I don't know what happened!! and I hadn't made a backup of them. what can I do to restore them?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How can I block the traffic outside the VPN, even if the VPN is down?

I would like to direct all the traffic through my VPN connection on my Android based phone (HTC Desire). The VPN works great, but problem is that when the VPN disconnects, the traffic is redirected through my regular internet, something I don't want to happen. How can I block the traffic outside the VPN?

How to access Samsung Galaxy S2 storage while phone is off

My Galaxy S2 recently froze while browsing facebook using Firefox (the loading animation kept playing though), then shut down after a minute. I haven't been able to turn it back on since then. I tried turning it on while charging, using someone else's battery (working with their phone), USB connection to computer, SIM in or out, just the power button and volume up/down + home + power buttons; but no luck. The hardware seems to be fine, as the phone starts heating up around the camere when I leave the battery in (which I interpret to mean that the processor is doing something, just not the right thing - maybe stuck in an endless loop).

The advisor on O2 chat has suggested to send it back for repair, which I am happy to do; except that I'd like to save the app settings, photos, contacts and calendar entries which weren't backed up.

So now I'm looking if there's any way to access the storage without the phone having to turn on. Is this possible hardware-wise? Does anyone know how?

The OS is the O2 (UK) Android 4.1.2 if it helps at all.

Rooting An HTC desire bravo Phone

help me to root my htc desire bravo configrations are: bravo pvt3 ship s-on h.boot -0.83.0001 microp-051d radio- help me and give me the easiest mehtod i tried revolutionary it says that your hboot version is not supported i have android2.2 foryo

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

ram - Bypass memory manager; keep app alive

At my work we all have Android devices which are used to dispatch jobs to us. It uses a web-app accessible through any web browser. When a new job arrives we are notified with an audible alert. However, because of the way Android handles the memory, it often "sleeps" (don't know the proper terminology) the web browser so if we get a new job through, we aren't notified unless we manually re-open the web browser to "wake" it.

Is there any workarounds for this issue?



Presumably, the device is using wifi to access the internet - it might be worth a shot to try this:

  • Settings > Wifi

  • Hit on Menu to bring up Advanced

  • Tap on that menu option

  • Keep Wifi on during sleep, check that, make sure its set to Never

In that way when the device goes to sleep, wifi is still active and running and the web app should still work and

When a new job arrives we are notified with an audible alert


The above answer is not the correct answer, rather from the comments below, this is definitely the one, in which I quote,.

Maybe, the approach to managing the jobs is done the wrong way, especially in context of Android - a custom app that has a service using a partial wake-lock to "ping" checking on jobs, send an event to the app and the app wakes up. IMHO, a browser is not the right tool for the requirements in your case.

In short, there is nothing that can be done to keep the web-browser "alive" while the device is sleeping, as Android, behind the scenes, when the kernel is not in sleep state, is tracking what apps are running, and depending on power and memory constraints, especially in the case of a web-browser page, (if it has a lot of styles, the more elaborate the page, the more resources hogged up as a result, especially if it has a lot of Javascript behind the page) this could be the job for the kernel to shoot it down and eject it from memory hence not reliable route to take.

TL;DR: A proper application instead of just web-browser will resolve the OP's problem.

Off-topic: There was a piece covered by the technology section under the BBC news in respect to mobile web browsing and how it can affect the battery due to the way web pages are designed, rather, they were designed incorrectly for the mobile platform, too much styles, too much scripting, not to mention Flash as well, they all had adverse affect on how Android displays/renders the page which in turn meant a lot of CPU cycles consumed to do just that.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Isn't Factory Reset exactly the same as wiping /data and /cache?

According to this article,

/data ... Wiping this partition essentially performs a factory reset on your device, restoring it to the way it was when you first booted it, or the way it was after the last official or custom ROM installation. When you perform a wipe data/factory reset from recovery, it is this partition that you are wiping.

What about /boot, /system, and /recovery, and /cache?

If Factory Reset wipes only /data, then I wish it were called something else, because if you've rooted your phone, it will still be left with whatever custom ROM you flashed even after a Factory Reset.

On the other hand, if Factory Reset does indeed wipe /boot, /system, and /recovery as well, especially /boot, what does it restore those from? Do all phones come with stock images in a real internal ROM somewhere that it can re-flash those images from?

I can somehow imagine manufacturers not wanting be burdened with the extra cost that such a spec for hardware-recoverable images might have cost them, so it got left out of the standard and left out of most phones, which is why it's so easy to brick them. So, instead, they give you the option to wipe /data and /cache only, and call that a "Factory Reset" because you're not supposed to be foolish enough to root your phone in the first place according to their way of thinking.

Since rooting my Android and reading hundreds of posts, I've found that many of the terms I learned and accepted as a Computer Science grad student in the 80's don't quite mean the same thing anymore so I have to verify what everything really means before I do something.

Comments to this post answer the first part of my question.

But they don't really answer the second part of my question which is really a complaint: Why call it "Factory Reset" if it doesn't really restore your phone to it's stock factory state?

At this point, the question is merely rhetorical. I think I already answered this in my question, unless someone can correct me.

4.0 ice cream sandwich - SGS2 I9100G keeps disconnecting from WIFI after installing firmware XXLPQ

2 days ago I upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100G from 2.3.6 to 4.0.3 using the firmware XXLPQ. Ever since, my WiFi keeps disconnecting every 10 seconds. I tried all the fixes from this question SGS2 running ICS 4.0.3 can't connect to home wifi but it didn't workout for me.

My phone is rooted and I'd do anything to get the Wifi to work again... Help

applications - Where is the folder that Termux defaults to?

The Termux app is a terminal emulator. If I create a file or a folder there, and then use another file explorer app to browse my device, where can I find these files?

cyanogenmod - Samsung Galaxy S2 drops carrier network

My SGS2 is dropping it's network connection multiple times a day without any notification. The signal bars disappear and it just says NO SERVICE/VODAFONE NZ. No data, no 3G, no 2G, nothing...

I was previously on Gingerbread 2.3.6 and was hoping that CyanogenMod would fix the issue. I flashed it to CM 10.2 but the same issue remains. This makes me think it is a hardware issue and not a software issue, however it did not wipe my internal SD card - could there be settings in there that are causing this?

It seems to really love the ground, so I'm wondering if it has just been dropped one to many times and cracked some solder connections somewhere internally?


Installed the GetRIL tool and it said the stock RIL was unknown.

I installed the first RIL on there. It said that it would backup the stock RIL. The one I installed didn't work so I installed another one. That didn't work either. So I tried to restore the stock RIL but then I read in the FAQ it only restores the last one installed.

So it restored the broken RIL. And now I have no network and can't figure out how to get the stock one back. Yay.

Here's the stock details:

RIL: Unknown - 163ecafa01912637fe344ec1f8264d70

Baseband: I9100XXKE7

Anyone know how I can get the stock RIL back?

As an aside: the battery lasts sooooo long without the carrier network


Reflashed with CyanogenMod so I got my stock RIL back. Still monitoring the network drops.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

4.0 ice cream sandwich - One device does not show on Google Play

I just purchased two identical Android tablet for my kids, running ICS 4.0, both using the same gmail account. I have the Google Play store installed on both of them, but only one of them show on my Devices list on Google Play. I could not find a way to make the second device show on the site.

As I said, they are using the same gmail account and sharing the same site-specific password (as I use two-factor authentication). What can I do to make the second device show on the Device list so I can send app to both of them?


2.3 gingerbread - Disable automatic screen turn-off during call

I use Gingerbread.

My Android phone has feature, that turns off display during call when I put the phone to my ear. However, the sensor is probably over-sensitive in my device, so it often turns off during call even when I don't keep it next to my face.

This is an issue if I want to use keyboard during call when the screen turns off. Can I disable this feature?

4.4 kitkat - How to login in Skype via Facebook?

I have a skype account that I created via Facebook login and can use it on my PC or Mac just fine. Now I want to use Skype on Android and have installed the official app. Yet the app lacks an option to login via Facebook.

How am I supposed to login, as I do neither know my user name nor the password, as I am used to login via Facebook.

wi fi - How to make a 'Captive Portal' on my mobile hotspot?

Some WiFi networks such as those you find on coffee shops, when we connect to their WiFi network it automatically redirects us to a web page where we will need to enter credentials in order to acess their network. Is the same possible with an android hotspot?

Saturday, December 3, 2016

HTC Clock widget takes 2-3 seconds to update after unlock

On my HTC One X, my home screen has an HTC Clock widget on it. When I unlock my phone, the time displayed on the clock shows the old time (when the phone was last unlocked) for about 2-3 seconds, and only then updates to the correct time. The system time (as seen on the lock screen and in the status bar) is correct at all times, so for a jarring moment the widget and the status bar are displaying different times.

If I place an HTC Clock widget on a panel other than the home one, a similar problem occurs: the clock is not updated until a few seconds after that panel is displayed, at which time it 'jumps' to the correct time.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Is this a problem unique to the HTC Clock widget, or would this also happen if I used a different app?

edit this behaviour remains the same in Airplane mode, so it's not a network latency issue


Following an OTA upgrade to Android 4.1.1, this problem appears to have been fixed. On unlocking, the clock widget immediately shows the correct system time.

How to install Regional fonts in Sony Xperia Dual M

How can I install punjabi fonts in my andriod phone? I have a Sony Xperia Dual M.

2.3 gingerbread - Stuck in Air Plane Mode: How to Force Disabling Air Plane Mode?

My Huawei Honour is stuck in air plane mode. I cannot disable it as the controls are greyed out.

I tried rebooting and resetting the system cache. What else can I do?


Do you definitely have a sim in your device? If you do not, then you cannot disable airplane mode.

Also, is the item in the Power Options menu and the Wireless and Networks settings menu disabled? If so, it is likely a sim error.

downloading - How to download unsupported files from the default browser?

When I try to download an SVG through the default browser (eg, by clicking on the image on a Wikipedia illustration - despite the .svg extension, that page is actually showing a PNG preview), the 'Downloads' says, 'Cannot download. The content is not supported on the phone'.

I tried installing a SVG editor, thinking then the phone would figure out I could view SVGs, but no luck.

[ETA: Is it a mistake by this program that it hasn't registered itself on my phone as a .svg handler?]

Luckily Firefox displays SVGs natively, but still, there should be a way to download files even if the phone "thinks" it can't display it! Any ideas?

Running Froyo on Samsung Galaxy S.


Download Crutch registers itself as a handler for all files, letting you download any file type. Download it on a PC and save to your SD card, then install from your phone. Third-party sources must be enabled in Settings -> Applications.

wi fi - Can I use my Android device as Wi-Fi Adapter for my PC (i.e. Tethering to PC through USB, but using Wi-Fi not Phone Network)?

I want to use my Android phone to connect a desktop (windows 7) PC to the internet via Wi-Fi (ie, not muching though my Data plan). Is this possible with the various tethering options out there?

The reason I ask is, most suppot wi-fi the other way around, ie, the phone is the wi-fi hotspot, and the internet connection comes over the phone network. I want to connect to an existing wi-fi network, and share that with the PC.

Background - for various reasons our office LAN network is b0rked and very slow. The office WiFi network on the other hand is happy and fast. But my desktop PC is wired only. If I can use my phone as a wifi dongle/modem/adaptor, and connect to the office wifi, then I'll get a much faster connection.

Edit: I've got an HTC Desire HD, I haven't rooted it so far.


You can achieve this natively on some versions of Android (for me it works on KitKat 4.4.4). All you have to do is connect the phone to wi-fi as usual and then connect the USB cable and do a USB tether. Your computer should detect a new hardware - a "USB ethernet" or similar, you may need to install drivers for that, ymmv. Then it behaves just like any other network card. This works for all common operating system, including Windows (where the drivers part may apply).

Just to be sure, you can disable mobile data on the phone for the time being but the phone should be smart enough to route traffic via wifi automatically when it is available.

No root needed.

nexus 7 - Can I downgrade to an earlier version of Android after installing an OTA update?

I installed the KitKat upgrade on my Nexus 7, but I am unhappy with it. Is it possible to roll back to an earlier version of Android (Jelly Bean)?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Deleting a device from the Google Play Store?

Yesterday I bought a new Android smartphone & performed a factory reset on my previous HTC handset. Naturally (I think) I set up my new phone under the same Google account as was registered for my HTC.

If I login to the Google Play Store, I was expecting, and maybe naively assumed to find, a way to delete the HTC handset, but I cannot seem to find a way to achieve this!

As this is only my second Android device, I have not encountered this situation before. (Perhaps there were steps I should have taken on my HTC, prior to performing the factory reset.)

I am however surprised that Google does not allow you to carry out such a basic task.

Did I miss something?

Does Google wish you to create a new account every time you change phones/tablets?


You can't delete it, only hide it.

  1. Go to the Google Play website. Make sure you're logged in.

  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right then click Settings.

  3. Your devices should be listed there. Uncheck "Shown in menus" on the device you don't want to see any more.

4.0 ice cream sandwich - 0 ram free on ICS

I'm new to the ICS os, coming from Gingerbread from another phone. The phone's quite nice and fast when I first used it, but just this morning it started exhibiting weird actions. Camera360 doesn't open up automatically when I click it, the Camera closes for no reason, Pocket restarts when an article has an image, and TTPod resets the song to the previous song on my widget in the middle of a new song I'm playing.

I checked out the ram, and and was surprised to see 500+ mb used, 0 mb available. I looked at the list of programs and I see the usual culprits like Facebook, but the ram they're using doesn't add up to 500+ mb. Yeah, I know that the whole ram indicated isn't usable by the apps, but I don't think I've done anything to warrant the 0 mb. I close my apps. There are times when there's free 4 to 5 mb, but I think that too shouldn't be the case. I tried installing Advance Task Killer, it listed less than 10 apps, killed it, still the ram is what it is above.

I did a reboot, and now it reads 300+ mb usage, 200 something free.

What can I do? How do I ensure an app's closed on ICS? I installed GoLaucher because it has a handy task killer and I can see the ram freed in an instant, but I would like to know if there's a better way to handle the RAM.


While it's quite unusual to really have 0 byte free, there is no such thing as "unused RAM" on Linux/Unix based systems. RAM that's not used by apps themselves is used to e.g. buffer data from slower media, and caching stuff from the file system. You will see that quite nicely when running the free command on a command line (using a terminal emulator app, or via adb shell). An example (here from a rooted Android running the Terminal Emulator app) looks like this:

An Android Terminal Emulator running the 'free' command

Note the high numbers for "buffers" and "cached" -- which are the reason why the RAM used by apps plus the amount of free RAM "doesn't add up" to the total RAM available. Nothing to worry about.

As for Task Killers: Kill them, they won't do you much good. True they can be useful -- but not in this context: use them to kill hanging/misbehaving apps e.g. hogging your CPU and won't quit otherwise. But it makes absolutely no sense to use them to "free RAM" or "save battery" -- to the contrary: most "killed" apps will simply re-launch themselves immediately, using the same RAM again -- but needing more battery for the relaunch then they'd used had you not killed them. To close apps, exit them via the back button (not the home button). If the dev designed them well, this should place them on the "exit list" (check for "OOM killer" and "application life cycle" if you want more technical details).

Don't worry about handling the RAM -- Android does a good job here already on its own :)

samsung galaxy s 2 - Cannot restore Kies backup after firmware upgrade

I backed up my Samsung Galaxy S2 on Kies before updating to Ice Cream Sandwich. After the upgrade I tried to restore, but the restore fails ...