I use an ambient sound app through headphones while I sleep. This usually works quite well, except for the occasional night where i get woken up because Android has decided to drop the volume and display a message to the effect of "Listening at high volume for a long time can damage your hearing." I haven't managed to transcribe the exact wording yet because I'm usually grumpy and attempting to get back to sleep when it happens. I'm fairly certain that it can be displayed more than once per reboot cycle, as it was displayed last night despite my having used the phone this way numerous nights over the past couple weeks. (uptime
currently shows 13 days.)
FWIW, I'm probably risking permanent hearing damage by doing this, but that seems a better bet than the certain negative effects (acuity, mood, cancer) of not getting a decent sleep.
Is there a way to disable this "feature", with or without root?
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