Monday, April 30, 2018

Can I use the stock SMS/MMS app on an Android tablet without UMTS module?

I just got my Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet. It does not have a GSM/UMTS/3G module but there is an SMS/MMS icon. What is the purpose of this app? Does Android allow me to send and receive SMS/MMS over my Wifi Internet connection, or is it just a leftover?

I am not interested in any alternatives to the stock app. I am more curious if it serves any purpose on a device without a UMTS module and if so, how to configure and use it.

So the questions could also be phrased like: What purpose serves the stock Android SMS app on an tablet without GSM/UMTS module?


As for now I consider the stock SMS/MMS app a leftover on tablet devices without an GSM/UMTS module. I serves no purpose on such devices.

apk - Is there a simple way to undo an app update?

I'd like to revert to the previous version and stick with that permanently. Is that possible?

I have Beautiful Widgets installed, and had it set to auto-update. It just did, and the 'update' is totally unacceptable.

I've got several devices, all rooted and running different versions of Android. Some have auto-updated the APK to the new version, some have not (I just disabled auto-update on those that have not).


Android does not natively back up applications so you can't "undo" an app update. Best thing I'd say you can do is something like this howto. It backs up your apks and their settings. It uses Titanium Backup and requires root, but rooting is not your problem.

nexus 4 - Dialer screen doesn't come up when making or receiving calls

When I receive an incoming call the phone doesn't show the dialer/answer screen. If the screen is off already the phone rings but the screen does not come on. If the screen is already on and already dim the brightness will come back up, but the screen doesn't change. So if I was already on the home screen it just stays there. I cannot answer a call unless I use my Bluetooth headset to do so. It does this with or without the headset connected. If the headset isn't connected I cannon answer the phone.

If I hit the phone icon it comes up to the screen asking me if I want to return to the call in progress. I also noticed if I make a call it never comes up to the in call screen, so there is no way to mute, go to speaker phone, put the call on hold, or more importantly end the call.

This started shortly after upgrading to 4.4 from 4.3.

Android 4.4 Nexus 4


  • I disabled the Dialer app, cleared the cache, and the data.

  • Rebooted the phone and enabled the Dialer app.

Now all seems to be working well.

sd card - How to transfer files between BlueStacks and Windows PC?

I'm using BlueStacks App Player. Sometimes I need to transfer files between BlueStacks (SD card) from/to my Windows.

I seem to find the file that stores the data in the SD card on /Android/SDCard.sparsefs/Store, but I cannot see the content & modify it easily from my PC.

Are there any ways to transfer files between them?


For BlueStacks App Player for Windows v and higher

There is a shared folder between BlueStacks and Windows:

  • BlueStacks: /sdcard/windows/BstSharedFolder (you may need to install a file explorer app such as "ES File Explorer" to access this folder)

  • Windows: /UserData/SharedFolder (by default, is C:/ProgramData/BlueStacks. This is set on BlueStacks installation).

    On a Windows 10 device, it was found at the location C:/BlueStacks/Engine/UserData/SharedFolder or C:/ProgramData/BlueStacks/Engine/UserData/SharedFolderor C:/BlueStacksData/Bluestacks/UserData/SharedFolder.

Manual method (BlueStacks ↔ PC)

Copy/put any files you want to transfer to one folder (using "ES File Explorer" on BlueStacks, or "Windows Explorer" on PC), and those files will be shown on another folder.

Simple method (PC → BlueStacks only)

From BlueStacks, open "BlueStacks Settings", click "Import Windows Files" and click Proceed. A file chooser dialog will appear where you can select the file you want to import (tips: you can select multiple files by holding Ctrl and clicking other files). Finally, click Open. BlueStacks will copy the files to the same shared folders mentioned above.

Reference: How to Access Files on your PC from BlueStacks?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

4.1 jelly bean - Fixing GPS lock that takes too long without installing a custom ROM

My phone (Huawei Y300) takes a little under 10 minutes to get a GPS lock. This has been happening both in new locations as well as in and around my home (where it's on frequently).

What could be the problem that is causing this?

Are there any possible workarounds for this (and I don't mean custom ROMs)?


Install GPS Status & Toolbox. Then go to the app's settings > gps sensors > auto-download AGPS data, and set it to whatever you like. It also has a Pro key, which unlocks other features.

The main goal for the application is to assist you and all the other applications on your device to get a GPS lock as fast as possible. It is much better to know what is happening inside your phone than staring cluelessly on a blinking notificaion icon and hoping that it will stop blinking sooner or later. (Some people just simply enjoy watching all the raw data ;)

Steps to follow if you have a non-locking GPS, from their FAQ:

  • Menu / Tools / manage aGPS state.

  • Select 'Reset' to clear the internal state of the GPS.

  • Select 'Download' to re-download the assistance data. You will need an active internet connection at this step.

  • Close the GPS Status application for 10 seconds.

  • Go outside and find a spot where large part of the sky is visible.

  • Make sure you have the 'Keep the screen on' settings turned on (in Menu / Settings / Display & Tools'.

  • Let the program run and try to acquire your GPS position for at least 15 minutes.


  • If the above steps do not resolve the GPS issue then you most likely have a hardware problem with the phone.

  • Certain phone cases block the GPS signal (remove the phone from it, if you are not sure.)

  • Certain windshields may block the GPS signal inside cars (those that have metallic coating to keep the heat out.)

  • Certain phones (usually CDMA) turn off the GPS chip if you put the phone into flight mode.

  • If you travel a long distance without turning on the GPS (i.e. flight) you can expect much longer fix times at your destination initially.

  • Obviously you cannot expect the GPS to work in your basement! (yes I'm serious)

See if that improves the GPS lock.

Looking for a consistent answer about battery calibration

This forum is full of questions about battery calibration. The thing is, that either I'm blind or one answers contradicts others.

In particular:

  1. For example forums says, that battery should be discharged to an absolute minimum. If you can power-on your phone, you should keep turning it on until battery is discharged so badly, that you can't turn it on. Sounds creepy and is in complete opposition to Lie Ryan, who says, that "a full discharge is never beneficial to LiON battery capacity".

  2. Again, forums says, that after full discharge and full charge, calibration process is completed, while Logas claims, that it needs a nearly-full discharge, full charge and again running battery fully flat.

  3. Citing forums third time, he says, that battery formatting process should be undertaken only in rare, quite critical situations, when battery behavior became some sort of strange, while Logas says, that this should be done every 30-90 days.

  4. All of them says about battery calibration at all, while Matthew Read says, that Android handles battery calibration and therfore (I assume) user should not do nothing about this.

  5. Found some answers and comments saying, that both battery calibration and regular charging process should be done on turned-off phone, while others says that it is unusual with modern mobile systems to turn off phone completely very often.

So, can someone provide a consistent answer on these matters? Does the battery used in Android device require calibration at all? If yes, then how often, and what steps should be done to achieve this? Do I really have to run phone until it is really, really flat and do I have to charge it, while it is off?


There are slightly different opinions around on this topic. To fully understand the issue, one needs to first understand how LiIo batteries work (which goes a little too far for our site, so please read details on Wikipedia).

  1. Lie Ryan is absolutely right: LiIo batteries don't take it well to be fully discharged.

  2. It shouldn't be done too often. I'm not sure what a double-take should improve here.

  3. Usually there's no need to do that "explicitly". If you think of how often you end up with an empty batterie (as it doesn't last long enough), calibration is already done as a side-effect (if you then fully charge). It's widely agreed that it should not be done more often than once in 60..90 days, so Logas might have mistaken the term.

  4. See previous point :) I never saw reason to calibrate any of my devices' battery, though.

  5. It certainly cannot hurt to do it with the device turned off, as then it's not being charged and discharged at the same time. I doubt it's really necessary, but it does no harm :)

4.1 jelly bean - What are these numbers in the Data Usage and Battery Usage screen in Jellybean?

I went to my phone manufacturer the other day to get my phone upgraded to Jellybean 4.1.2 from ICS 4.0.4. Here's the thing, I know that upgrading doesn't take long but they said it will take an hour and they made good with that, so I'm at least worried on what they did with my phone for a full hour. Well, I forgot all about it when I noticed I have some numbers instead of app names on the battery usage screen. Worse, it appears they're using my data connection. Then I went to the data usage screen and more numbers showed. Should I be worried? I asked someone with a Jellybean phone and he said all he sees on his phone are app names. I don't want to register my card on the Play Store yet unless I'm sure my phone is safe. Is this happening on anyone else? What are those numbers?

Data Usage
Screenshot of Data Usage

htc incredible s - How can I make a 3G-324M video call?

I tried to place a 3G-324M video call to my Incredible, but the other phone says that mine doesn't support it.

On the web I found someone mentioned that Incredibles do not support video calls in 3G at all. Others mention that this is possible with Skype.

The question is - can I make my phone use 3G video calls without using a mobile Internet (as I think Skype is using Internet rather than native 3G video calls, thus I am paying for mobile Internet with Skype calls and not per rate specified per minute for 3G itself).

Or is Skype the only available option?


As of now I don't know of any Android phone capable of establishing 3G-324M Video calls. Android have some parts of 3G-324M implemented in the communications stack, but is far from being complete.

All the android phones that can make “video calls” use Internet.

Given the fact that carriers charge an “extra” for a video call using 3G-324M and that any internet traffic is probably included in your data plan, Android will probably continue to go the way of internet video calls, not 3G-324M.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Get N on screen when trying to access developer options

Cannot access Developer Options on Asus Zenphone 3 (Android 7.1.1):

  • Settings

  • About

  • Tap 6 times on Android Version

All I get is an 'N' on the screen:



You are hitting the wrong area to get developers options. Within setting/about phone/software/build number you need to hit Build number 7 times to enable the developers options. Hitting Android Version multiple times enables a google cookie for the android version.

applications - App isn't working correctly. How can I fix it?

I have an application that isn't working correctly. Either it's not launching, or not responding to commands, or some of the functionality isn't doing what I expect.

What are some simple steps I can do to try to fix the issue on my own?

(This question and answer are intended to be a canonical and generic source for dealing with apps that aren't working quite right.)


The steps to take with an app that just isn't working properly are:

  • Rotate the device

if that doesn't help

From Settings | Applications | Manage applications | or Settings | Apps | (depends on your version of Android)

  • Force stop

if that doesn't help

  • Clear cache

if that doesn't help

  • Restart the device (turn off/turn on the device, or use the "restart" option if you have it)

if that doesn't help

  • Clear data

and if that still doesn't help, try the nuclear option:

  • uninstall and re-install

Friday, April 27, 2018

external sd - How to copy a file into Micro SD via USB in Android?

How can I copy a file into micro SD of an Android phone connected via USB to a PC with Windows?

2.3 gingerbread - Unable to mount Galaxy S2 on Debian Squeeze laptop as storage device

I am trying to mount my Galaxy S2 on Debian Squeeze laptop. I turned off USB debugging and then in:

"Wireless & Networks" → "USB Utilities" → "Connect storage to PC"

it asks me to connect a USB cable, as soon as I connect the USB cable the pop goes away and my phone starts charging but I don't see my phone mounted in my laptop.

I did lsusb and don't see any Samsung device connected. Then I decided to turn on USB debugging and did lsusb again but no luck. What could be wrong?


This comment helped me, though I also had to create a udev rule, the udev rule is given below, please note that kumar is my username on my box.

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8",
ATTRS{idProduct}=="6640", MODE="0660", OWNER="kumar",
GROUP="plugdev", SYMLINK+="android%n"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666"

4.0 ice cream sandwich - Clear Default not enabled in 4.0

I'm trying to set Chrome as my default browser but cannot. I go to apps and the clear default button is not enabled and says no default is set.

wi fi - recover WiFi password file Android Pie

I know that Android (at least Pie) uses a file WifiConfigStore.xml to store WiFi access points and passwords. It is located in /data/misc/wifi/.

I saved it before wipe and reinstall everything. The idea was to copy it back to this location. While the phone is on/powered it seems not to uses the information from this new file. But after reboot it is gone and overwritten.

So my question: is there a special trick? Or is this not the proper location? Is there some backup file stored somewhere else?

(I have a rooted LineageOS 16 device with Magisk. I even tried to change the file in TWRP with not better result.)

Edit: Found that this file is also located in /data/misc_ce/0/wifi, /sbin/.magisk/mirror/data/misc/wifi and /sbin/.magisk/mirror/data/misc_ce/wifi

And there are also files WifiConfigStore.xml.encrypted-checksum. From naming it sounds like there it is including a checksum to avoid errors in xml? This file I have not saved. Am I lost now? Can I delete this and it will be created than?

What is function of this misc_ce folders?


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Can I restart Bluetooth from the terminal?

I have a rooted Galaxy S 2 (I9100) and was wondering if I can restart the Bluetooth on my phone via the terminal client on my phone.


The following terminal command should enable Bluetooth via adb shell or Terminal Emulator app:

am start -a android.bluetooth.adapter.action.REQUEST_ENABLE

On most versions of Android, this command will present a pop-up window to the user asking to confirm request to enable BT. I believe this was done for security purposes whenever an app that is not system is toggling BT.

I haven't found a way to disable BT via a shell command unfortunately.

With WiFi it's a lot easier, and does not prompt user for permission:

svc wifi enable

will turn it on, and

svc wifi disable

will turn it off.

S-voice on Samsung Galaxy S4 "No response from server..."

I saw similar post about this problem from 5 days ago (8/15/13). That is also when S-voice stopped working on my Samsung Galaxy S4, even though it was working perfectly for the past 3 weeks. My internet connection is working.

I spent 1 1/2 hours with AT&T Tech Support and Samsung Tech Support on 8/17/13 and they could find no problems with my phone settings or internet connection. However, Samsung tech suggested doing a master reset on my phone. I did not do this yet because I do not believe it is a problem with the phone, especially since I now see another posting for the problem occurring on the same day.

Is this a problem with an AT&T Server or is it Samsung? How can we get someone to check this out?

UPDATE 8/22/13: I spent another 2 hours on phone 8/20/13 with new Samsung tech. He was convinced that it was not my phone after he also checked all the postings about this problem online, so he "elevated" the "ticket" to a "system" problem. Yesterday evening, I found that my S-voice just started working again!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Delay notifications

I'm looking for a way to delay notifications on a per-app-basis to a specific time threshold.

For example, I don't want to get gmail notifications more than hourly. I don't want text message notifications more than once a minute.

I know there are individual apps that provide this, but I'm looking for something system-wide and customizable. Root is obviously acceptable.


Light Flow will do this for you. Switch of sound or vibrate for the individual apps and set them up in Light Flow. The option "too many notifications" can be used to select the maximum repeat count.
Rooting is not necessary, except on some phone to alter the LED notifications.

The app is capable to adjust for all notifications or depending on application: - sound and volumes (absolute or relative) - vibration on / off or patterns - popups - screen on on notification - sleep mode based on time or NFC - led colors / patterns or camera flash - repeat notifications and rate limiting

Getting rid of "Tethering Detected" popup on Android ICS 4.0?

I just got a Samsung Galaxy S3 that runs Android ICS 4.0.8. When I connect the Galaxy S3 to my Mac laptop and use PDAnet to tether, I often get this popup on the Galaxy S3 screen:

enter image description here

Tethering via PDAnet works great, but the popup can get annoying. I can close the popup, but it comes back a few seconds later.
How can I get rid of this popup permanently?


This to me looks like something your provider has added in to stop you getting free tethering on your data plan.

If you are rooted (which I assume you are as you are using a tethering app), then you can attempt to freeze the app that is responsible for this, using an app freezer such as App Quarantine ROOT.

If it isn't an app, then it may be part of the ROM directly, in which case you would have to install a custom ROM such as CyanogenMod. You should look at forums such as XDA-Developers to find a ROM for your device.

Using a custom ROM will definitely remove the message.

email - How can I sync all folders from an Exchange server (not just the Inbox)?

I am using a Samsung Galaxy S2 (Android 2.3.4) and have set up the native email app to synchronize with an MS Exchange 2007 server. The problem I am noticing is that I'm only notified for a new email if it is sent to my Inbox folder. I have to sync my other folders one-by-one.

Is there any sync all option?

rooting - How to 'root' (or gain root access to) a Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 with Android 2.1-update1?

I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 with Android 2.1-update1 and I need a quick easy way to get root access so I can boot it through a custom ROM me and a friend have been working on (the custom ROM is like Gingerbread (Android 2.3), but with a different UI so that it's compatible with my phone)

Monday, April 23, 2018

4.4 kitkat - How can i disable android permission manager notification?

I have an android 4.4.2 device and permission manager app enabled.

I have facebook messenger installed for example and i deny it permission to read my sms or phone contacts.

It works, but keeps displaying "Messenger is denied " in the center bottom lower screen for ages. Sometimes i need to reboot my device to make it go away.

absolutely annoying

mksh - Can I update the adb shell's environment variables?

I wanted to update the PATH environment variable permanently in the adb shell. I guessed the shell was mksh for I've found /system/bin/sh pointing to /system/bin/mksh. Then I tried

  • Making a new file /data/.mkshrc and adding the PATH definition into it.

  • Copy the above file into /.

  • Copy to /root.

But all attempts failed.

wi fi - Sending & Receiving SMS via WiFi

Is there a way to send and receive SMS when a cellular signal is not available, but WiFi is? I'm often on-site at locations where the building has a strong WiFi (Internet) connection, but a simple cell signal is spotty at best.


Several services exist to send SMS via the Internet. One of the most popular (an possibly most reliable) is Google Voice.

security - What is QuadRooter? Are 900 million Android devices vulnerable?

What actually is QuadRooter and how does it work on Android devices?

It is currently in the news that 900 millions Android devices are vulnerable:

Serious security flaws that could give attackers complete access to a phone's data have been found in software used on tens of millions of Android devices.

The bugs were uncovered by Checkpoint researchers looking at software running on chipsets made by US firm Qualcomm.

Qualcomm processors are found in about 900 million Android phones, the company said.

The article also said that it is something at the chipset level.

Is this true?

And how does this work internally?


What is QuadRooter?

Quadrooter is a name for a set of security vulnerabilities including

These are weaknesses in Linux/Android system software provided by chipset manufacturer Qualcomm.

They could be exploited by an app that you download, even one that does not ask for any special privileges. Such an app could exploit these vulnerabilities to gain higher level control of your phone, including access to any private data you have stored on it.

The US National Vulnerability Database gives the following description for the vulnerabilities listed above


The msm_ipc_router_bind_control_port function in net/ipc_router/ipc_router_core.c in the IPC router kernel module for the Linux kernel 3.x, as used in Qualcomm Innovation Center (QuIC) Android contributions for MSM devices and other products, does not verify that a port is a client port, which allows attackers to gain privileges or cause a denial of service (race condition and list corruption) by making many BIND_CONTROL_PORT ioctl calls.


The Qualcomm GPU driver in Android before 2016-08-05 on Nexus 5, 5X, 6, 6P, and 7 (2013) devices allows attackers to gain privileges via a crafted application, aka Android internal bug 28026365 and Qualcomm internal bug CR1002974.


The Qualcomm GPU driver in Android before 2016-07-05 on Nexus 5X and 6P devices allows attackers to gain privileges via a crafted application, aka Android internal bug 28084795 and Qualcomm internal bug CR1006067.


The is_ashmem_file function in drivers/staging/android/ashmem.c in a certain Qualcomm Innovation Center (QuIC) Android patch for the Linux kernel 3.x mishandles pointer validation within the KGSL Linux Graphics Module, which allows attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by using the /ashmem string as the dentry name.

You can download an app named "Quadrooter Scanner" from the Google Play store - it will tell you if your phone is vulnerable. The app was written by Checkpoint Software Technologies Ltd. I have installed it, ran it and uninstalled it. Other than that, I cannot say if it is reliable in any way.

Qualcomm have issued software fixes to manufacturers

Google have addressed a couple of these in their security bulletins for July and August

Issue                                    CVE            Severity    Affects 
Elevation of privilege vulnerability in CVE-2016-2503, Critical Yes
Qualcomm GPU driver (Device specific) CVE-2016-2067


Elevation of privilege vulnerability in  CVE-2016-2504,  Critical   Yes
Qualcomm GPU driver CVE-2016-3842


Elevation of privilege vulnerability in Qualcomm GPU driver

An elevation of privilege vulnerability in the Qualcomm GPU driver could
enable a local malicious application to execute arbitrary code within the
context of the kernel. This issue is rated as Critical due to the
possibility of a local permanent device compromise, which may require
reflashing the operating system to repair the device.

CVE References Severity Updated Nexus devices Date reported
CVE-2016-2504 Critical Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Apr 5, 2016

A-28026365 Nexus 6, Nexus 6P,
QC-CR#1002974 Nexus 7 (2013)

I suspect owners of vulnerable phones have a number of options including some or all of

  • wait for manufacturer to provide an over the air update to fix this.

  • don't download any new apps

  • prevent apps from being updated until vulnerabilities are fixed

  • uninstall all superfluous apps

  • power down the phone until sure a fix is ready

I guess many people would regard at least the last item as overkill.

Are 900 million Android devices vulnerable?

Worldwide sales of smartphones are of the order of 1 billion each year.

Qualcomm are a major manufacturer of integrated circuits used in smartphones. They sell a variety of ICs including the popular "Snapdragon" range of ARM-based CPUs. Their annual revenues are of the order of USD 25 billion.

According to Forbes

According to ABI Research, leading chipset maker Qualcomm remained a leader in the LTE baseband chipsets in 2015. The company held a massive 65% of the LTE baseband chipset market in the year.

There may be 2 billion smartphones in use in 2016. Of course, a lot of these will be IOS devices. There may still be one or two Windows phone users out there :-).

The average lifetime of a smartphone might be two years or might be four years. There is certainly a market in second hand smartphones. It seems plausible that many smartphones older than one year are still in use.

Of course, there are Android devices that are not smartphones. Google estimates there are 1.4 billion active Android devices worldwide. 65% of 1.4 billion is 910 million. This might be how journalists arrived at this figure. If so, it isn't at all accurate.

However, assuming that the vulnerable drivers have existed for several years, it seems plausible that hundreds of millions of devices might be affected. 900 million seems to be the extreme upper end of possible estimates.


Saturday, April 21, 2018

gps - Why does google maps need WiFi?

Sometimes google maps gives a notification that goes something like:

"for increased accuracy please turn on the Wifi"

I can understand if it said "For faster loading of map layers....", but how can a better internet connection result in increased accuracy by the GPS?


You might be interested in Assisted GPS

Assistance falls into two categories:

  • Information used to more quickly acquire satellites

    • It can supply orbital data or almanac for the GPS satellites to the GPS receiver, enabling the GPS receiver to lock to the satellites more rapidly in some cases.

    • The network can provide precise time.

    • The device captures a snapshot of the GPS signal, with approximate time, for the server to later process into a position.

    • Accurate, surveyed coordinates for the cell site towers allow better knowledge of local ionospheric conditions and other conditions affecting the GPS signal than the GPS receiver alone, enabling more precise calculation of position. (See also Wide Area Augmentation System and CellHunter.)

  • Calculation of position by the server using information from the GPS receiver

    • The assistance server has a good satellite signal, and plentiful computation power, so it can compare fragmentary signals relayed to it by GPS receivers, with the satellite signal it receives directly, and then inform the GPS receiver or emergency services of the GPS receiver's position.

Many mobile phones combine A-GPS and other location services including Wi-Fi Positioning System and cell-site triangulation and sometimes a hybrid positioning system.[4]

motorola moto g - Can't make or receive voice calls anymore

I have a Moto G 2013 (XT1033) with latest Lollipop.

Suddenly I'm unable to make any voice calls. I open the dialer, input the number, press dial and... nothing happens.

Either I'm thrown back to the dialer or I get a "call ended" message instantly after pressing dial.

I also can't receive voice calls, either: they go straight to voicemail. SMS are OK, then I know it's not the SIM card problem.

By adb shell and dmesg I saw those error messages which make it look like the internal memory is corrupted.

What to do?

Friday, April 20, 2018

boot - Does android keep a log of when it starts?

I'm making a parental control/accountability app for android. It consists of a monitoring service that runs in the background and starts when the phone is booted.

Unfortunately, I have found that when android is started in "Safe Mode", services are not started automatically, and because of this my app has a serious flaw.

While in safe mode, the web and other apps can be started without my monitoring service running.

I thought that if it isn't possible to monitor app activity while in safe mode, maybe I could at least have my app detect if the phone was previously in safe mode. Then it could maybe alert the parent or accountability partner?

Does Android keep any log of this? Or any boot log in general? I'm very open to suggestions and alternatives.

Why has my Samsung Galaxy S2 become a data hog?

My father has a Samsung Galaxy S2 with the stock GB and un-rooted. The phone has been working flawlessly, but lately (since about 2-3 days) it began to use a crazy amount of data.

He normally uses about 300 MB per month, but now the phone is using about 20-30 MB per hour during phone standby!.

Also he notices is that the battery is lasting about half of the previous time, which is evident in case of a long running process.

He didn't install/update anything lately and all the settings are set for minimal data use. (Like no Sync..etc). He also has all the known data-hog apps kept disabled.

He has installed an app call “my data manager” and the app says that all the data is being used by OS services but there is no detailed information.

Just for clarification, he doesn’t have too much applications installed. Just: Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook and Twitter. But as I said before, he has all the auto sync off, and all these apps where installed months ago.

My question is: Is there a program that can help us to find out what is going on? Something like a “on the fly” (real-time) data analysis?

Any other ideas on what could be happening here?

Thanks! Edgar

What is the advantage of making f-droid a system app?

F-droid (0.7) has two options:

One to grant it "root" powers, and another to give it "system-app" powers.

Just using it as a "root" app will let it install apps without going through the whole "Are you sure you want to install this app" page.

What does System-app give it?

I can't test it as it crashes on my phone

9.0 pie - Notifications arrive when the app is opened, but not in the background

I don't know if it's the right place to ask my question, if not, sorry.

1st, I was using Sony Xperia Z5 premium for the last three years, never faced any issues but few days ago, I switched to Samsung galaxy s10+ and the problem I'm facing is, I'm not getting notifications from WhatsApp or some other apps when they're not opened. When I open them, I got couple of notifications. If I don't open that app for whole day, and at night when I open it, I get notifications of all day.

Please guide which settings or options I should see?

location services - How fake gps works?

I saw this video on TEDEd about how your smart phones knows your location. How your smart phone know your location? If it is determined using atomic clock, how does fake gps manage to fake the location?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How to edit 'etc/hosts' file?

I'm using Nexus 5 on Android 4.4. Kitkat. I would like to edit /etc/hosts file and add redirect mappings in order to block few ads.

I need to know how to access/modify/replace /etc/hosts file.

I have already checked below similar Q/A:

Monday, April 16, 2018

google maps navigation - How to have my phone guide me through a specific route

Every weekend I go out and ride my bike through the exact same boring old route. Now I've decided I want to start exploring new parts of the city, but I need my phone to help me that.

Today, using google maps, I decided on a new route I want to follow next weekend (and I'll probably have a new one each week). The problem is that I've never been to these streets, so I need my phone to guide me through it.

Specifically, I need something very similar to android's GPS navigation. I'll define where I want to go, place the phone in my pockets (with earphones), and just listen to the turn-by-turn "driving" instructions and follow them.

The reason I don't just use android navigation is that the route isn't a simple Go from A to B, it's more like Go from A to B, then to C, ..., then back to A. That means I would have to re-type these destinations one by one in the phone, which is far from ideal.

Ideally, I need a system that allows me to do something like:

  1. plan a complex route on the computer,

  2. send it to my phone,

  3. have it guide me with turn-by-turn voice instructions.

Is there an app for that? Or is there a way to do that with standard GPS navigation?


The solution I use for similar situation is Trekbuddy. I am sure you will discard the idea of using this app if you didn't understand it well. Hence, read through its description in its Play site and their forums. It requires little homework before any such serious use. But once you know your way (pun intended ;) ) through the application, it will be a breeze.

With this app, you can plan your route on computer export it as GPX and together with few MP3 files you can create a turn-by-turn pre-planned navigation. Be aware that if you miss your turn this will not reroute you back. You have to see the map that and continue either on the new route or try to join the pre planned route.

To know about its other uses, take a look at my answer for the question "How to import GPS coordinates track for using offline"

You may also try OSMAND. You can create a pre planned route and export as GPX file. OSMAnd can be configured to use this pre defined route. I could not get my head through the options and configurations to make this work. But from reading its help, I understand that this can do the above and even reroute in case if you miss your turn.

Personally, I like Trekbuddy for its simplicity and its many features as I described in my answer to the other question.

If you happen to succeed with OSMAnd, please share your procedure with us.

Update: After reading through the forum pages of Trekbuddy, I finally figured out how to use a pre planned turn by turn navigation feature and I tried today to ensure it is working.

The steps involved are (from scratch):

  1. Install Trekbuddy either from PlayStore or from their download link.

  2. Run the app with GPS switched on. Press Menu and press Start and wait for GPS fix. If GPS fix is a success you will see the cross hair at your location in the World map.

  3. To display a map, you have to download raster map tiles from the service provider. These tiles are to be placed in a particular format and an application called Mobac comes for rescue. This app creates such map tiles, indexes and even compress. Various map sources like OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap, Google Maps*, Google Terrain*, Google Earth Satellite*, Yahoo Maps etc can be used. Explaining how to create a map will be bit out of scope here, and I will leave it to a rare tutorial available here in German.

  4. Assuming you had successfully created a TARred atlas (collection of map tiles as said above), you have to place the .TAR file and its subfolder inside \mnt\sdcard\Trekbuddy\maps folder. To load the map, press Menu button and touch Maps option and select the *.Tar file. Depending on how you had layered the atlas, layers might appear in the next screen and if so, select a layer. Trekbuddy might prompt you to mark this as default atlas. If acceptable click Yes and you will save all this step doing again.

  5. One map is loaded, you can ensure it by tapping any where in the screen, which will show the cross hair on your location in the map as identified by the GPS.

  6. In your computer plan a route and mark turning points as waypoints. As an example, in this following image enter image description here six waypoints are marked as WPT1..WPT6.

  7. In computer, using a text editor, create a GPX file with following template. enter image description here

  8. Place the GPX file created as above in \mnt\sdcard\Trekbuddy\wpts folder.

  9. Place sound files in AMR format (MP3 not tested) in \mnt\sdcard\Trekbuddy\sounds folder. The file name of these files should be as mentioned in the GPX file.

  10. And finally, in Trekbuddy app, press Menu, Navigation, Waypoints and choose the above GPX file. Then choose the final waypoint, in this case WPT6 and press menu again and choose NavigateTo.

When you start moving approach WPT1, the sound assigned to WPT1 will be played. The setting Settings->Navigation->Wpt Proximity determines the proximity radius. The value is in meters and when the current GPS position is within this imaginary circle, the sound will be played.

  • I believe it has been discontinued since Mobac version 1.9 onward due to legal pressure. Old versions are not officially available but are still at large.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

How do I get my pictures back from my lost phone?

I lost my phone today and the data is turned off, but is there any way of tracking it even without the data? or getting my photos back?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Micro USB cables that only charge but no data, no mounting etc (Samsung Galaxy S)

Not all cables seem to be created equal but I've never got to the bottom of why so many (cheap) cables I try only charge - no data. Anyone know why? Certain pins not connecting?

I do know that longer cables or car to usb converters fail to transmit enough power for the phone to register and not charging but I'm getting the opposite. I don't think I am alone (same problem for Nexus One users here)


Broadly speaking, if you have a "USB" cable that only connects pins 1 & 4 then you will get power and no data (Best Buy was selling cables like that as Universal USB Charging Cables a while back, not sure if they still do). Likewise, if you have a cable with only 2 & 3, you will get data but no power. If you're curious, here's a Wikipedia page with the standard USB Pinout.

Note: Micro uses the same pinout as USB A.

Install SSL certificate manually with root

I'm trying to install SSL certificate required by the HttpCanary app, but when I enter my PIN to install it, the PIN just keeps popping up indefinitely and I can't install it.

So is there a way to bypass the certificate installer and install the certificate on my own with root help?

Friday, April 13, 2018

privacy - Looking for a network monitor that can enumerate outbound connections

I have a rooted Galaxy S2, and I want to block access for all apps whose primary function does not require network connectivity. I am using DroidWall and LBE Privacy Guard (both require root) to control application behavior.

Droidwall is an excellent firewall, but it doesn't provide a snapshot of currently active network connections. Is there an app that can do so, on a per app basis?

Update : Just realized I can simplify things by just saying I want for Android what I can achieve using netstat -b on Windows, but properly presented!

I have already seen a few - but they just wrap a commandline interface - as though they're calling netstat locally and then just piping output.


Opensource Network Log (Play) app does exactly that. The features are:

  • real time log display

  • hostname resolving

  • per app view

  • filters based on app name, hostname, port

It needs root and busybox.

Where is "Stay Awake" option in Ice Cream Sandwich on the Galaxy S3?

I just upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy S III (Ice Cream Sandwich) from the Motorola Droid Bionic (Gingerbread). On my Bionic, there was a "Stay Awake" check box that made it so my "Screen will never sleep while charging" under Settings->Applications->Development.

I can't find that checkbox on my S3.

Where is that setting in ICS and/or is there another way to keep my screen from turning off in ICS?



Samsung removed "Stay Awake" from TouchWiz back in the first OTA for the Galaxy S1. Other ROMs like CyanogenMod still have it, and other AOSP based ROMs as well.

Be very careful using any kind of "Stay Awake" options with these devices that have the Super AMOLED screens. I used to use it when developing and testing the apps. I now have a "burn" in the screen from the time and the top bar.

hdmi - How to change external screen resolution?

I have connected a tablet running Android 4.4 to an external monitor through an MHL to HDMI cable. However, the monitor does not have the same resolution and thus the resulting image is not very good. How can I instruct the system to send a different resolution to the external screen?

Restoring an ADB backup onto a different phone of the same model?

We have several Android 4.0 phones of the same model, from the same manufacturer, purchased at the same time, from the same factory batch. We have created a backup of one of the phones using ADB.

Can the backup file from one of these phones be applied to all of the phones, or is there uniquely identifying information in the backup that will make it inapplicable to the other phones?

Thursday, April 12, 2018

6.0 marshmallow - Battery Popup at 25%

I seem to have run into a bit of a challenge on one of our Android/Samsung devices...

On the device, regardless of what's open, when the battery reaches 25% on discharge, the below screen pops up and covers the entire screen, with MUCH difficulty to get rid of. I've tried to trace it to a certain app, but was unsuccessful in doing so.

Android Popup

Can someone perhaps help with some advice on this, on how to get rid of it?


This is caused by the Peel Remote app. I deleted this app and it stopped.

settings - Weekly mobile usage

I have a weekly payment cycle for mobile data. The data usage settings are limited to a monthly billing cycle and data warning. What can I do to monitor data usage on a weekly cycle?

rooting - Heimdall/JOdin: "We could not obtain the PIT file. We tried, but it didn't work."

I'm trying to root my Samsung S6, but I don't have a Windows computer. Luckily, JOdin works on Linux too and it connects to my phone, so I am now much closer to my goal.

But now I am facing a new challenge: JOdin says: "We could not obtain the pit file. We tried, but it didn't work." The CLI output of the JOdin's offline version reports the following (excerpt):

[VERBOSE]Heimdall Device detected!
[VERBOSE]Did not find pit
[INTERACTION][SHOWERROR] Title:Could not obtain pit.
Message:We could not obtain the pit file. We tried, but it didn't work.

The JOdin support seems to consist of this 30+ page long forum post, which is why I hope to get more useful answers here.

  1. JOdin relies on the Heimdall package, and that one has a list of supported devices that does not include the S6. I suppose this is part of the cause of the problem. I use JOdin v1035 and Heimdall v1.4.0-0.

  2. Indeed, when I run only Heimdall, I succeed in connecting the phone but the PIT download fails; the only relevant log line is ERROR: Setting up interface failed!

  3. Full log output is here and here is the verbose output.

  4. The command sudo heimdall print-pit --verbose --stdout-errors --usb-log-level debug as suggested in comments produces this output which is beyond my skill to interpret.

I dare not download a "random" PIT file from the Internet; the risk of choosing the wrong one is too high, and those I've found are behind a sketchy-looking Vietnamese paywall. Google also pointed me to methods that rely on adb shell and requires root ... but having root is the goal I'm chasing right now.

How do I download the PIT from my phone?

Update: I've managed to root my phone using a Windows computer and therefore I no longer urgently need this working on Linux. I will probably need it the next time I have to fiddle with the phone (e.g. when an Android update is available) but for now I will abandon this challenge.

How do I factory reset/wipe Galaxy Note 2 with no screen?

My phone's LCD is broken but the rest of the phone works 100%. I can't do the normal steps to erase the phone because I can't interact with the menu on the screen to do so. I would like to erase everything so I can sell the phone to somebody willing to have the screen repaired.


  1. Hold volume up + Home + Power Key wait for 3 mins

  2. Press volume down 3 times

  3. Press power button

  4. Press volume down 6 times

  5. Press power key

That will do a hard reset.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

wi fi - How to set HTTP proxy and proxy authentication credentials in wifi?

I have set up wifi, I installed HTTP proxy and configured it, but where I put the proxy authentication credentials?


According to this, you need an external app and you need to root the phone.

Some other solutions shared in a Google Code issue thread.


Using Gesture Search, I entered "proxy" and got to the Proxy settings on my Droid. Don't know how to get there otherwise, and don't know if it actually works, but there you go. (Someone else mentioned it in that Google thread.)

rooting - Can I get root access on my Nexus 4 without installing custom bootloader, recovery or ROM?

I own a Nexus 4 device and I want to just get root access on my phone so that I can install applications such as AdBlock etc.

I was able to find tutorials online guiding how to root the Nexus phone. But in all those they flash a custom recovery and have to install a custom ROM.

I don't want to install any custom recovery or ROM.

Is it possible to just root my phone without doing those?

Why does Android OS data usage not count?

I have noticed that "Android OS" consumes a lot of data on my phone (LineageOS 14.1; Samsung Galaxy SIII GT-I9300; rooted). However, this data seems not to count for the overall data usage. As you can see in the picture below, Android OS consumed 36.72 MB so far. But that is more than the total data usage at the top (28.11 MB). This determined total data usage is the same as my provider says. Is there a particular reason why the data usage of Android OS does not count? Has it something to do with Nougat or even LineageOS?

Android OS consumes data which does not count

On the other hand, My Data Manager, for example, seems to take Android OS into account:

My Data Manager takes Android OS into account

Does someone know the reason for this issue or does somebody have an assumption at least?


As far as I can tell, Android OS (sometimes called OS + others) is not actually a real application to say. Basing this on one data application I've used it is explained;

It is a "catch all" pseudo-application accounting for the difference between global usage (displayed in the main screen) and the sum of all installed applications usages.

  • Initially it will be equal to global usage, but discrepancies can easily be noted in case when an application which previously had access to data connectivity is uninstalled.

  • On the other hand, the value can stay as a very small value (few MBs) perhaps if the applications that occasionally use data are not affected (remain intact).

  • The other reason, I can think of is, data used in some minor updates (to Android itself), connectivity checks etc can be assigned to Android OS in data usage counter such that there is always a reading for such in data counters.

I don't think this has something to do with Lineage OS or Nougat but just a conventional way for counting data usage accross apps (regardless they were uninstalled in that particular usage period)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Entering safe mode from adb shell

My question is similar to this one, but I don't necessarily have a powered off device.

How can I enter Android' safe mode (or make it boot into safe mode the next time) from within my recovery image?

I suppose it is possible to mimic the actions the actual Android system would do when you select safe mode from the reboot menu. However, I don't even know what selecting safe mode actually causes Android to do with the system.


Note: The solution is tested on Android 4.2.1, 5.0.2 and 5.1.1.

The value for the system property persist.sys.safemode determines whether the phone should boot into safe mode or in normal mode.

When booted into Android OS, provided root access, the value can be changed as

adb shell su -c 'setprop persist.sys.safemode 1'
adb shell su -c 'echo "1" > /data/property/persist.sys.safemode' #alternative

When booted into a custom , given the data and optionally, system partition are mounted, do

adb shell busybox printf "1" > /data/property/persist.sys.safemode         #works if recovery has Busybox. If Android OS has busybox then system/xbin/busybox would work
adb shell echo "1" > /data/property/persist.sys.safemode #alternative
adb shell chmod 600 /data/property/persist.sys.safemode #required; changes the permission of file to rw-------, identical to rest of the files under /data/property

It is to be noted that, if you've never booted into safe mode since last factory reset, the file persist.sys.safemode wouldn't be found.

Android resets the content of said file at every reboot, so you need not to worry about getting stuck at safe mode. However, for the purpose of fail-safe requirement, change the value to 0 or empty the file (NULL), should you ever get stuck.

In a nutshell, the property that you set is stored in a file, hence it remains persistent when you shutdown the device. You can see your value inside the file from recovery mode, provided that you've not booted into Android again after editing the property. Now, once you begin to boot into Android OS, Android et al reads the file, and based on the content, prepares the safe/ordinary mode for you. After reading the file, it resets the content of the file, so the next time you reboot, it would always be in ordinary mode.

I, in my experiments, noticed that Android would boot into safe mode even if the value is any positive or negative integer or even a decimal value.

I got a good hint from source code of that safe mode requires a system property to be set. However, I reached the final conclusion using a comment by pylerSM and a post from ZiT777.

sd card - Is the external storage size limit hardware or software?

AFAIK, All phones I know have a SD Card size limit. Is this hardware, or software ?

If this is hardware, what changes between, let's say a 32GB card, and a 64GB card ?

If this is software, is this just an arbitrary limit, or the system really won't be able to read it ? Is this changable (Custom ROM, Kernel) ?


As I know, this is a software limit. The communication protocol of a 32GB, 64GB or even 128GB SD card is exactly the same. Only the old non HC or XC cards of 2GB or less uses a different communication protocol. The reason that some devices doesn't support 64GB or bigger is due to the use of the exFAT file system on cards of 64GB and larger. Although, if you reformat this cards to the older FAT32 file system you can use in a device that officially supports up to 32GB cards (only in very rare cases it still doesn't work). My experience is that a 128GB card formatted in FAT32 works without issues in a Samsung Galaxy S2 that officially supports up to 32GB.

Monday, April 9, 2018

applications - How do I know when an app was used in Android?

Is there any way to tell when an app was being used in an Android phone?

I am specifically interested in the camera and gallery functions. I believe my roommate went through my photos without asking, and I've tried to view the cache for the Gallery app but can't seem to figure out how to do it.

Is this even on the right track? He had it for a twenty minute interval, and I want to see if the Gallery was accessed during that period of time.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Why does Google Messages (SMS/MMS) app lose phone number?

I've been using Google Messages since it released a year or two ago on the same phone.

Suddenly, three days ago the app popped up a message and said, "Your phone number isn't available in the settings for this app. Do you want to add it?"

I added the number (see snapshots below for how to get to settings in Google Messages).

App Forgets Phone Number

However, (even though I've added the number) each time I turn my phone off (for example, at the end of each day) the data seems to be lost because when I turn my phone on again and Google Messages app starts again then the number shows as UNKNOWN again.

Doesn't Know Who I Am

When the app starts and doesn't have the phone number filled out, it sends the messages I send to myself also.

Is this setting a new feature? What are some reasons this might be occurring?

Getting To The Settings In Google Messages

Getting to Settings In Google Messages

Select Advanced...


Phone Number UNKNOWN You can see (at the bottom) the phone number is unknown.

phone number unknown

MMS Messages Are Affected

This affects my MMS messages (specifically when I'm in a group message). The thing that happens is that the phone doesn't know my number so when I send a message to the group it believes there is another receiver and that receiver has my phone number so I receive my own message.

Phone Settings

My phone settings have not changed and when I look under the main phone settings I can see that my phone number is correct. Also, if I type in the phone number then the group messages work fine but I have to remember to do that every day.

uninstallation - How do I remove an app installed if the buttons in "Manage Applications" are locked and can't be pressed?

I didn't download the application from Google Play and got the apk from a website and installed it on my tablet. But the app wasn't the one I needed and it was just making offers for me to get other apps.

Now I want to uninstall it but in "Manage Applications " all the buttons there are locked and can't be pressed, including the uninstall and move to SD card.

What do I do to get rid of it? It's taking up space on my internal memory.

gmail - How-to unlink the main Google account from android device without a factory reset

While setting up my HTC Hero phone, I have entered my gmail account in the setup. But now I want to remove it (I don;t want to change with another account). How do I do it ?

I have searched a lot on Google and everywhere I found that I have to do factory reset but this is not my favoured option.

If there is another way, please let me know.


What do you mean, by 'delete it' exactly? Your phone needs to be linked to a Google account, no matter what (as far as I know). If you do wish to change the "main" Google account your phone is linked with, a factory reset is the way. I've had to do it myself a few times.

If you just want to stop receiving Gmail notifications, go into Settings > Accounts and uncheck the "sync" option for the account you no longer wish to have Gmail sync with.

2.3 gingerbread - Application doesn't get installed : insufficient storage available

I have around 50MB of internal storage left and some 1.7 GB of external storage left in my phone. But when I try to download and install any application from google android store,I get a message insufficient storage and the application though downloaded doesn't get installed. Why is this ? Earlier it worked fine from the same store.

For instance yesterday when I tried to install whats app I got the same message. What can I do about this ?

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Where are the downloads from the Amazon Appstore stored?

Possible Duplicate:
Amazon App Store - Location of the downloaded APK

I like to grab the free app of the day but space on my phone is too precious to go though with the install. But I can't stop the download when I do purchase. Where is that download stored and how can I get rid of it?

7.0 nougat - Setting/finding Android 7 encryption password

With some hassle I updated the 2016 firmware on my Lenovo P2 to Android 7 (I think my carrier decided that their own app was more important than security updates).

Now that I wanted to put the TWRP recovery onto the phone instead of the stock one, I find out that the phone is encrypted, which it wasn't before. I have not asked for it (it appears Google does this by default now for Android 7) and I have never entered a password explicitly for encryption.

However, TWRP asks for a password for decryption purposes, I believe.

I use fingerprint/PIN as screen lock. This answer and others suggest it should be the PIN, however while that works fine for a normal startup of the phone, that doesn't work in TWRP.

How would I find or set the right password to use (doubting there is a default password!)?


It turns out that there either is a bug in TWRP in that it won't accept a blank password (or that there is a default password in Android 7).

In either case, if I set the password under

Settings -> Security -> Screen lock -> [PIN] -> Password -> Require password to start device

(which I have never set before), then this password can be used in TWRP and must then also be used to unlock the phone instead of the PIN.

Friday, April 6, 2018

How to Remove persistent "Samsung Account" notification? It keeps showing up regardless of settings

I have been struggling to find out how to turn off (or otherwise hide) the notification that says:

Samsung account
Tap here to use your Samsung Account

enter image description here

I've read elsewhere online about ways to stop this, but they don't seem to be working. I tapped the notification, held down and went to "Details" on the Notification.

According to that screen, I shouldn't be getting these notifications but still am.

enter image description here How can I turn this off (without signing in to Samsung or creating an account)?

(Galaxy S8 Active, Android 8.0.0, Samsung Experience Version 9.0)

Edit: 9 November 2018 - Now the notification is showing and making a "text message" noise. I still can't figure out how to stop this!

Edit: 17 Dec. 2018 - Still getting the notification multiple times per hour sometimes, and it makes the text message noise. I've done everything I can find online and there's no solution still...

privacy - What lurks behind these Gmail/GTalk permissions?

I just stumbled upon some permissions which sound clear at first sight (noticed them already quite a while ago, just decided to dig deeper right now). Thinking about possible implications, I'd really like to know what features/data they give access to, as this might get quite personal/sensitive:

  • often the reason given is "to access attachments" (such as PDF files to be opened with a PDF reader). But is that all? Or could an app equipped with this permission read the entire mail?

  • could an app with this permission write and send mails on my behalf? Or even delete existing mails (including the "written-and-sent one", to hide its activities)?

  • one app describes its use as "read Gmail labels and get unread count". Another one writes "Used to update the unread email count on your lockscreen. Email content is not sent to our servers." Which suggests this permission can be used to access the entire mail content. And other contents?
    In some source code I found the comment Permission required to access android.content.ContentProvider, which suggests a lot of content getting accessible this way if it means THE content provider, including contacts and calendars. Not being an Android dev, I cannot really tell without being told first.

  • Yes, please?

I've "googled" them all (the above is already the result of my research). And of course I started with my favorite sources when it comes to permissions:

But the above is all I could come up with. Can somebody shed some more light on those? From a user's perspective, what can be accessed with those permissions, and what are the privacy implications? A "good cop/bad cop" play would be appreciated, naturally :)

Thursday, April 5, 2018

6.0 marshmallow - Nexus 5x won't use custom ringtones/notifications

Just got the 5x, and loaded it with my favorite tones. Did the same thing I usually do with Android phones to set different tones for different app notifications, alarms, etc.

Phone either plays stock tone or no tone + vibration.

The files were pulled directly from my Samsung in .wav format and will play on the 5x via VLC just fine.

Can't install xposed framework

I want to install the xposed framework on my Nexus 5 and in the framework, the install/update option doesn't work.

My Nexus 5 runs Android 5.0 (Lollipop).

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Is flashing a ROM made for a very similar model to mine possible?

Is it possible that flashing a custom ROM made for another android model could work for me? I'm just wondering this because I have one of those rare models that only a few providers sold, but is very hardware similar to some of the more popular and better supported models. So if I flashed a ROM built for a very similar model to mine would it brick the device?

I'm quite the beginner so if you want to check it out here's my model: SGH-I87D (Samsung Galaxy Ace Q with gingerbread 2.3). I really don't mind taking some chances because it's just my old phone and it was a pretty crappy one at that. So if anyone could give me some tips that would be awesome; oh right and "long live the n00bs".

PS: I've already rooted it so that's not a problem.

How to force phone to switch to faster mobile data network during file transfer

For some context, I am downloading Dragon Mobile Assistant which is a 40+ mb apk from the Google Play Store.

I have an unreliable connection to Verizon Wireless' 3G mobile data network. If I am a few inches too far to the right of a sweet spot, the signal quality will degrade and I will be passed off to 1X. If I am in the middle of a download, it'll just pass me over with no interruption. However, it will not pass me back to 3G during the transfer once quality to that network is "good enough."

This is highly annoying, because if I am downloading a big file, it basically comes to a screeching halt on the horrible 1X network. Sometimes it is even better to cancel the download, wait to be passed back to 3G and restart the download.

Is there anyway on a Droid 3, rooted stock android 2.3.4, to have my phone continue to poll the 3G network and switch to it even while it's transferring data on 1X? It already allows me to go down during a transfer, why can't I go up?


I hate when that happens. It happened to me more times than I could count while I was traveling through western Maryland (and it's even worse when the phone mysteriously switches from 4G to 1X and refuses to go back to 4G or even 3G)...

Anyway, there are three things you can try.

The first, obvious one is to relocate the phone to somewhere that you get a better signal. This may not help much at all if you're in a fringe coverage area and in a residence, but it's definitely something you should attempt.

Next, to force the phone to reconnect to the network, just toggle airplane mode on and off. (BTW, don't bother with any of those so-called "network signal booster" apps. All they do is toggle airplane mode on and off, hiding the notification bar so you can't see what it's doing.) This is probably your best bet. In my experience this will get your high speed connection back most of the time, but you still aren't guaranteed to keep it long enough to finish your download.

Your phone also has a secret menu which can be accessed by entering *#*#4636#*#* into the dialer. In this menu you can view various statistics about the mobile data connection, as well as change which network types the device will try to connect to. (The exact types vary by device and firmware revision, and I don't have a Droid 3 on hand, so you'll just have to look and see for yourself.) In my experience, though, this didn't help much; the phone would just give me no data service instead of 1X, or refuse to connect to 3G/4G, or to any network at all. Also, be careful in this menu; if you change a setting and don't know what to change it back to, you could completely kill your ability to connect to the network, requiring a factory reset.

factory reset - What fastboot erase actually does?

I've seem some suggestions on the internet that we can do a factory reset on the Motorola Moto G (2nd gen) by using the following commands:

fastboot erase modemst1 
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata

Or another variant with just

fastboot erase cache
fastboot erase userdata

Now, the fastboot CLI provides the following description for "erase":

Erase a flash partition.

In that case, I'm worried that these commands just erase the partition, instead of reseting to factory state.

What I mean is: what this erase command actually do? It erases the partition leaving nothing there, or it restores it to the factory state?

These commands really do a factory reset through fastboot?


  • This thread on XDA has a post

....what is the aim of the "fastboot erase modemst" command?


modemst1 and modemst2 are storage partitions for Radio Firmware .... - and it's obviously a recommended practice to wipe these partitions when flashing a newer Radio Firmware

  • This XDA thread is all about fastboot commands

fastboot erase system

fastboot erase data

fastboot erase cache

Are explained as

fastboot allows for about the cleanest of wipes by the way. And each partition can be done separately too.

Elsewhere in same thread

... with a lot of new phones userdata = /data + /sdcard (/data/media), so all data, any personally saved files, and system are flushed out permanently with fastboot's erasure. Note that TWRP factory reset would leave /data/media intact

So, putting your list of commands in question, a device is being wiped cleanly of all the partitions mentioned including all data, and thus getting ready to flash a new ROM on the cleanest manner as against dirty flash which has remnants of earlier ROM affecting performance

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

applications - What are my most frequently used apps?

As I want to optimize my workflow, how do I determine my most frequently used apps?, so I can put them on start screen. Of course I guess the 3-5 most frequently used apps by myself, but as there space for upto 16 icons on the first screen, it's hard to tell whether some apps are frequently used or not. As for SMS, MMS there are apps generating statistics, is there someway I can determine the most frequently or often used app?


Spare Parts does this. It's included in CyanogenMod and some other custom ROMs, but the Market version should work as well, I think. One of the menu options on the main page is "Usage statistics" which you can then order by launch count, time used, and app name:

enter image description here

applications - YouTube update enforcement bypass? +Reasons why the old YouTube app is superior

The time bomb of YouTube's legacy versions has exploded:
The “later” button to postpone the update has disappeared. YouTube is copying WhatsApp's update mesh.

I really wish to keep using a legacy version of YouTube's Android application, but now, YouTube has pulled the plugs by hiding the “update later” button.

Why have they disabled it in first place?

The application would probably still work technically.

Advantages of YouTube's legacy versions:

  • Unlimited search history.

  • Exiting search does not require to reload the results of the previous search or viewed channel/playlist/feed/etc., which saves time and occasionally mobile data.

  • I still had search terms from 2015 because I never updated. Search history with capitalization saved.

  • Profile pictures with the shape of a square. Superior field of view.

  • Less minimalism, more border lines. (I personally dislike minimalism.)

    • Free from material design. (I do not hate material design, but the rounded corners look loose. Windows 10's flat design is OK becaubecause it looks still very angular. Although, I like the ripple animation of mterial design.).

  • Full numbers instead of rounded numbers (YouTube calls them “abbreviated numbers”. Toxic minimalism) for ratings, view counts and suscriber counts. Rounded numbers are too shallow. (“2M” looks shallow, while e.g. the number “2.021.435” looks vibrant and ultimately sexier than a digit with one letter behind it. Additionally, “2B” can be confused with 28 on the first sight, while a a long number such as 2.039.721.486 looks truly unmistakenably immersive.).

  • Ability to pre-open videos from loaded search results before Internet connection has been established, so that I do not need to open it when the connection has established.

  • Ability to pre-open search pages too. Pre-opening searches saves the search query into the search history, so that I do not forget searching it the next time I open YouTube's app. Like a tiny sticky note.

How do I keep using the legacy versions of YouTube?

I know MixerBox, but MixerBox has no search history and multi/pop-up window support.

Monday, April 2, 2018

applications - Call a number on a website

Instead of having to highlight a number, copy, switch to call app, paste the number, and dial, is there a way to dial a number found on a website directly? I heard something about copyright issue with Apple, but is there another app or workaround to accomplish this?

How to save Google search to My contacts

Is it possible to, after searching for people or business on Google maps or on Google, to save the info to my contacts directly without typing in the info yourself? Unfortunately no longer have the option on Google maps to save contact, and I'm not sure I why Google removed that option. Maybe a different app would be an option, if anyone know one that would work? I have a Galaxy S5

gboard - My GKeyboard keeps crashing

It crashes every time I open my phone. I'm locked out of my device and I cannot even try to factory reset it.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

tethering - Wifi access point with USB-OTG ethernet?

I want my phone to act as a ethernet capable wifi access point (WAN via ethernet).

When I use USB-OTG with an ethernet USB adapter attached to my Galaxy Nexus (non-rooted stock Jelly Bean) I get regular internet access just fine. Only thing I'm wondering about is the fact that 3G is shown in the status bar although mobile data connection is disabled. The connection goes over ethernet.

My Problem appears when I want to share this connection via wifi (hotspot). The hotspot is enabled and the other device (or whatever) is connected but it doesn´t get internet access...

Is this a known problem? Any ideas how to get this working?

Edit: It's not about 3G tethering, thats works fine. The problem is tethering while the phone is connected with the LAN over an RJ45-Ethernet adapter.

mac os x - How can I do usb tethering with Mac Os X (using gingerbread Acer Liquid Metal & snow leopard)?

I would like to use my Android phone to let my hackintosh (10.6 snow leopad) surf the internet. The standard way of selecting usb tethering on android and plugging the usb cable tested on windows and ubuntu doesn't work... Thanks.


EasyTether i think would be your best option. The free version is full-figured, and paying for the full market version will get you https:// sites. And the drivers for it are available on their website for download.

P.S. it's only $4.99 right now in the Amazon Appstore ;)

localization - How can I circumvent regional restrictions in Google's Play Store?

I'm travelling to country X. I want to install an application which isn't available in my country, but is available in country X; but I prefer to download and install it in advance, while the data connection is still cheap.

Unfortunately, the Play Stores does not allow me to install this app. Is there any way to circumvent this limitation?


Try the Market Enabler app (download the APK and side-load it.) It allows you to spoof your region, so that the Market thinks you're in the US.

As an alternative, you may want to see if this app is available via other distribution methods, such as from other reputable markets (e.g. Amazon Appstore,,, etc.) Also reaching out to the developer can sometimes help.

samsung galaxy s 2 - Cannot restore Kies backup after firmware upgrade

I backed up my Samsung Galaxy S2 on Kies before updating to Ice Cream Sandwich. After the upgrade I tried to restore, but the restore fails ...